Alpha of Munch Munch
In the client folder, you should just have to run:
yarn install
once Yarn is installed the AWS Amplify CLI
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
In the client folder, you should just have to run:
amplify pull
Setup new user: Y, Follow the next step in your browser.
After signing into your AWS account enter a user name in your shell and proceed to finish user creation in your browser. Enter your access key and secret access key in your shell to finish your AWS User.
Additonal instructions to come for the security token issue when creating AWS Users.
If successful, you should have a new "aws-exports.js" file created.
In order to fetch all the needed packages. You will need gatsbyJs installed globally in order to use the CLI and run the app locally. If you don't have it installed running:
yarn global add gatsby
in the "client" folder run:
gatsby develop