This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
- MRI 3.0.0
System dependencies
- PostgreSQL 13.3 or higher
- Uses Delayed Job for background tasks
- Install basic dependencies
- Postgres server (local or remote)
- rvm + Ruby version
- NodeJS + Yarn
- Postgres devel package
Ensure ssh key exists and is available
Login to the psql shell with root privileges
CREATE DATABASE eve_industrial_production; CREATE USER eve_industrial WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<secure-password>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE eve_industrial_production TO eve_industrial;
Copy SPECIAL? files. Assuming that:
- The cap deploy_to dir is
- The domain is
mkdir -p ~/eve_industrial/shared/config # Copies the master key to decrypt rails secrets scp -i ~/.ssh/wikifuentes.pem config/master.key [email protected]:~/eve_industrial/shared/config # Sets up the puma service scp -i ~/.ssh/wikifuentes.pem ops/eve_industrial.conf [email protected]:/etc/nginx/conf.d # Sets up Nginx scp -i ~/.ssh/wikifuentes.pem ops/puma_eve_industrial.service [email protected]:/etc/systemd/system
cap production deploy
Now ssh to the server
ssh -i ~/.ssh/wikifuentes.pem [email protected]
Create and setup the SSL certificate
Patch app files permissions (This is lazy way, for safe way app should be outside home, like
)chmod +x ~ chmod +x ~/eve_industrial -R
Restart Nginx
sudo service nginx restart
- Initialize the database
cd ~/eve_industrial/current RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rails db:seed