##Qy for Python
Quantum libraries all in one place. Control and automation, DAQ, IO, simulation, graphics, GUI, analysis.
depends on numpy and matplotlib. I am trying to avoid dependency on SciPy, but some functions still need it. You will need cython and SWIG if you want to compile from source.
####Windows I am periodically building windows installers. You can download them here. Under windows using mingw32, the following command seems to do the job when building from source:
> python setup.py build --compiler mingw32 install
####Linux Under linux, this is the command that I am using to compile/build and install qy:
$ python setup.py install --user
The --user
is optional.
is broken into six sub-packages, for analysis, input/output, simulation of linear optics and quantum information, interfaces to various bits of lab hardware and DAQ, graphical user interfaces, and miscellaneous stuff.
####Analysis Post-processing and analysis tools.
- Quantum metrics: quantum state fidelity, process fidelity, CHSH ...
- Classical metrics: Trace distance, statistical fidelity ...
####Formats Interface to non-standard binary formats.
- Fast interface to binary
files from DPC-230 timetagger
####Simulation Optimized code for simulating linear quantum optics and quantum information, some of which is written using cython.
- Optimized linear optics simulator. p photons in m modes. Reck schemes, quantum walks, interferometers, random unitaries.
- Optimized permanent in cython.
- Optimized factorials and combinatorics
- Detection model for fan-out pseudo number-resolving detectors
- QI fundamentals: Qubit bases, Pauli operators, two-qubit gates...
####Hardware Python drivers for various pieces of hardware.
- Motor controllers
- FPGA-based counting systems
- Lasers
- DAC (NI etc)
- ...
####GUI Useful wrappers for various bits of wxPython.
####Miscellaneous useful things
- Easier file access, numpy tools, command line tools...
- Better handling of settings
- Make cython-based libraries optional
- Get rid of Scipy (
$ grep -rl "scipy" ./
) - Stress test cython code in
- Tidy up
modules, get code from other people e.g. PicoHarp