An API that unifies the search response structure of different Git hosting API's.
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
- Make sure that your
is correct.
Welcome message - GET
Search endpoint
Note: if a property has a default value you don't need to send it in the request even if it's required.
Property | Type | Validation |
term | string | required |
per_page | integer | required, max: 100, default: 25 |
page | integer | required, default: 1 |
order | string | required, in: [asc, desc], default: desc |
sortBy | string | required |
Property | Type | Validation |
sortBy | string | required, in: [stars, forks, updated], default: stars |
Property | Type | Validation |
sortBy | string | required, in: [id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, last_activity_at], default: name |
Property | Type | Validation |
username | string | required |
sortBy | string | required, in: [id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, last_activity_at], default: name |
Returns json structure:
'per_page': integer - results per page,
'page': integer - current page,
'sort': string - currently sroting by,
'order': string - currently ordered by,
'term': string - your request term,
'total': integer - total repositories found (can be unsupported by some hosts),
'repositories': array - repositories found {
'name': string - repository name,
'full_name': string - author/repository name,
'description': string - repository description,
'author': string - author username,
'raiting': integer - repository rating (stars) (can be unsupported by some hosts),
'url': string - link to the repository,
'created_at': string - date created,
'updated_at': string - date updated
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