This package is a wrapper for the Mountain Project public data API:
Install using: pip install MountainProjectPublicAPI
Required packages: json, requests
Example usage can be found at:
Return genral user information as JSON dictionary
- key: your private key
- userId: Id of user to return
- email: email of user to return
return: genral user information as JSON dictionary
Return up to 200 of the user's most recent ticks.
- key: your private key
- userId: Id of user to return
- email: email of user to return
- startPos: The starting index of the list to return. Defaults to 0.
returns: Users ticks as JSON dictionary
Return up to 200 of the user's TODOs
- key: your private key
- userId: Id of user to return
- email: email of user to return
- startPos: The starting index of the list to return. Defaults to 0.
returns: User's TODOs as JSON dictionary
Return details for up to 200 routes.
- key: your private key
- routeIds: A comma-separated list of route IDs, up to 100
returns: details for up to 200 routes as JSON dictionary
Return routes for a given query
- key: your private key
- lat - Latitude for a given area
- lon - Longitude for a given area
- maxDistance: Max distance, in miles, from lat, lon. Default: 30. Max: 200.
- maxResults: Max number of routes to return. Default: 50. Max: 500.
- minDiff: Min difficulty of routes to return, e.g. 5.6 or V0.
- maxDiff: Max difficulty of routes to return, e.g. 5.10a or V2.
returns: details for up to 200 routes as JSON dictionary