A user-firendly grammar of bulk RNA sequencing data explaration and processing
ttBulk is a collection of wrappers for bulk tanscriptomic analyses that follows the “tidy” paradigm. The data structure is a tibble with a column for
- sample identifier column
- transcript identifier column
read count
column- annotation (and other info) columns
ttBulk::counts # Accessible via ttBulk::counts
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 5
## sample transcript `Cell type` `read count` time
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 SRR1740034 DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d
## 2 SRR1740034 WASH7P b_cell 3568 0 d
## 3 SRR1740034 MIR6859-1 b_cell 57 0 d
## 4 SRR1740034 MIR1302-2 b_cell 1 0 d
## 5 SRR1740034 FAM138A b_cell 0 0 d
## 6 SRR1740034 OR4F5 b_cell 0 0 d
## 7 SRR1740034 LOC729737 b_cell 1764 0 d
## 8 SRR1740034 LOC102725121 b_cell 11 0 d
## 9 SRR1740034 WASH9P b_cell 3590 0 d
## 10 SRR1740034 MIR6859-2 b_cell 40 0 d
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows
Every function takes this tructure as input and outputs: (i) this structure with addictional information (action=“add”); or (ii) this structure with the isolated new information (action=“get”)
In brief you can:
- Going from BAM/SAM to a tidy data frame of counts (FeatureCounts)
- Adding gene symbols from ensembl IDs
- Aggregating duplicated gene symbols
- Adding normalised counts
- Adding principal components
- Adding MDS components
- Rotating principal component or MDS dimensions
- Running differential transcript abunance analyses (edgeR)
- Adding batch adjusted read counts (Combat)
- Eliminating redunant samples and/or genes
- Clustering samples and/or genes with kmeans
- Adding tissue composition (Cibersort)
Aggregating duplicated transcripts (e.g., isoforms, ensembl). For example, we often have to convert ensembl to gene symbol, in doing so we have to deal with duplicated symbols
counts.aggr =
ttBulk::counts %>%
`read count`,
aggregation_function = sum
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 6
## sample transcript `Cell type` `read count` time `number of merged t…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 SRR1740… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d 1
## 2 SRR1740… WASH7P b_cell 3568 0 d 1
## 3 SRR1740… MIR6859-1 b_cell 57 0 d 1
## 4 SRR1740… MIR1302-2 b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 5 SRR1740… FAM138A b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 6 SRR1740… OR4F5 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 7 SRR1740… LOC729737 b_cell 1764 0 d 1
## 8 SRR1740… LOC1027251… b_cell 11 0 d 1
## 9 SRR1740… WASH9P b_cell 3590 0 d 1
## 10 SRR1740… MIR6859-2 b_cell 40 0 d 1
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows
For visualisation purposes or ad hoc analyses, we may want to calculate
the normalised read counts for library size (e.g., with TMM algorithm).
These new values will be added to the original data set as <NAME OF SAMPLE COLUMN> normalised
counts.norm = counts.aggr %>% normalise_counts(sample, transcript, `read count`)
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 10
## sample transcript `Cell type` `read count` time `number of merg…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 SRR17… A1BG b_cell 153 0 d 1
## 2 SRR17… A1BG-AS1 b_cell 83 0 d 1
## 3 SRR17… A1CF b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 4 SRR17… A2M b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 5 SRR17… A2M-AS1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 6 SRR17… A2ML1 b_cell 3 0 d 1
## 7 SRR17… A2MP1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 8 SRR17… A3GALT2 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 9 SRR17… A4GALT b_cell 4 0 d 1
## 10 SRR17… A4GNT b_cell 0 0 d 1
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows, and 4 more variables: `read count
## # normalised` <dbl>, TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>,
## # filtered_out_low_counts <lgl>
We can easily plot the normalised density to check the outcome
counts.norm %>%
ggplot(aes(`read count normalised` + 1, group=sample, color=`Cell type`)) +
geom_density() +
scale_x_log10() +
For visualisation purposes or ad hoc analyses, we may want to reduce the dimentions of our data, for example using PCA or MDS algorithms. These new values will be added to the original data set.
counts.norm.MDS =
counts.norm %>%
reduce_dimensions(value_column = `read count normalised`, method="MDS" , elements_column = sample, feature_column = transcript, components = 1:10)
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 20
## sample transcript `Cell type` `read count` time `number of merg…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 SRR17… A1BG b_cell 153 0 d 1
## 2 SRR17… A1BG-AS1 b_cell 83 0 d 1
## 3 SRR17… A1CF b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 4 SRR17… A2M b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 5 SRR17… A2M-AS1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 6 SRR17… A2ML1 b_cell 3 0 d 1
## 7 SRR17… A2MP1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 8 SRR17… A3GALT2 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 9 SRR17… A4GALT b_cell 4 0 d 1
## 10 SRR17… A4GNT b_cell 0 0 d 1
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows, and 14 more variables: `read count
## # normalised` <dbl>, TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>,
## # filtered_out_low_counts <lgl>, `Dimension 1` <dbl>, `Dimension
## # 10` <dbl>, `Dimension 2` <dbl>, `Dimension 3` <dbl>, `Dimension
## # 4` <dbl>, `Dimension 5` <dbl>, `Dimension 6` <dbl>, `Dimension
## # 7` <dbl>, `Dimension 8` <dbl>, `Dimension 9` <dbl>
counts.norm.MDS %>%
select(contains("Dimension"), sample, `Cell type`) %>%
distinct() %>%
GGally::ggpairs(columns = 1:6, ggplot2::aes(colour=`Cell type`))
counts.norm.PCA =
counts.norm %>%
reduce_dimensions(value_column = `read count normalised`, method="PCA" , elements_column = sample, feature_column = transcript, components = 1:10)
## Fraction of variance explained by the selected principal components
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## `Fraction of variance` PC
## <dbl> <int>
## 1 0.897 1
## 2 0.0475 2
## 3 0.0205 3
## 4 0.0157 4
## 5 0.00661 5
## 6 0.00283 6
## 7 0.00191 7
## 8 0.000635 8
## 9 0.000411 9
## 10 0.000395 10
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 20
## sample transcript `Cell type` `read count` time `number of merg…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 SRR17… A1BG b_cell 153 0 d 1
## 2 SRR17… A1BG-AS1 b_cell 83 0 d 1
## 3 SRR17… A1CF b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 4 SRR17… A2M b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 5 SRR17… A2M-AS1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 6 SRR17… A2ML1 b_cell 3 0 d 1
## 7 SRR17… A2MP1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 8 SRR17… A3GALT2 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 9 SRR17… A4GALT b_cell 4 0 d 1
## 10 SRR17… A4GNT b_cell 0 0 d 1
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows, and 14 more variables: `read count
## # normalised` <dbl>, TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>,
## # filtered_out_low_counts <lgl>, PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>, PC3 <dbl>,
## # PC4 <dbl>, PC5 <dbl>, PC6 <dbl>, PC7 <dbl>, PC8 <dbl>, PC9 <dbl>,
## # PC10 <dbl>
counts.norm.PCA %>%
select(contains("PC"), sample, `Cell type`) %>%
distinct() %>%
GGally::ggpairs(columns = 1:6, ggplot2::aes(colour=`Cell type`))
For visualisation purposes or ad hoc analyses, we may want to rotate the
reduced dimentions (or any two numeric columns really) of our data, of a
set angle. The rotated dimensions will be added to the original data set
by default, or as specified in
the input arguments.
counts.norm.MDS.rotated =
counts.norm.MDS %>%
rotate_dimensions(`Dimension 1`, `Dimension 2`, rotation_degrees = 45, elements_column = sample)
counts.norm.MDS.rotated %>%
distinct(sample, `Dimension 1`,`Dimension 2`, `Cell type`) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`Dimension 1`, y=`Dimension 2`, color=`Cell type` )) +
geom_point() +
counts.norm.MDS.rotated %>%
distinct(sample, `Dimension 1 rotated 45`,`Dimension 2 rotated 45`, `Cell type`) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`Dimension 1 rotated 45`, y=`Dimension 2 rotated 45`, color=`Cell type` )) +
geom_point() +
We may want to test for differential transcription between sample-wise factors of interest (e.g., with edgeR). The statistics will be added to the original data. In this example we set action =“get” to just output the non redundant gene statistics.
ttBulk::counts_mini %>%
~ condition,
sample_column = sample,
transcript_column = transcript,
counts_column = `read count`,
## # A tibble: 30 x 8
## transcript logFC logCPM LR PValue FDR is_de filtered_out_low_…
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>
## 1 MIR1244-4 -0.564 15.4 8.01 0.00466 0.0932 FALSE FALSE
## 2 LOC1006527… 0.688 12.0 3.20 0.0734 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 3 KLHL17 0.172 16.5 2.49 0.115 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 4 DLG5 -0.477 12.2 1.82 0.178 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 5 ARHGAP11A -0.225 15.4 1.80 0.180 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 6 LOC1002894… -0.280 13.5 1.49 0.222 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 7 PRSS23 -1.25 9.83 1.38 0.241 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 8 B3GAT3 0.0889 18.3 1.21 0.271 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 9 C6orf201 0.197 14.3 1.20 0.274 0.609 FALSE FALSE
## 10 WBP1 0.132 15.4 1.03 0.310 0.613 FALSE FALSE
## # … with 20 more rows
Adjust read counts
for (known) unwanted variation. For visualisation
purposes or ad hoc analyses, we may want to adjust our normalised counts
to remove known unwanted variation. The adjusted counts will be added to
the original data set as <READ COUNT COLUMN> adjusted
. The formulation
is similar to a linear model, where the first covariate is the factor of
interest and the second covariate is the unwanted variation. At the
moment just an unwanted covariated is allowed at the time.
counts.norm.adj =
counts.norm %>%
# Add fake batch and factor of interest
(.) %>%
distinct(sample) %>%
mutate(batch = sample(0:1, n(), replace = T))
) %>%
mutate(factor_of_interest = `Cell type` == "b_cell") %>%
# Add covariate
~ factor_of_interest + batch,
`read count normalised`,
action = "get"
## Standardizing Data across genes
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 4
## transcript sample `read count normalised adju… filtered_out_low_cou…
## <chr> <chr> <int> <lgl>
## 1 A1BG SRR1740034 130 FALSE
## 2 A1BG-AS1 SRR1740034 72 FALSE
## 3 A1CF SRR1740034 NA TRUE
## 4 A2M SRR1740034 0 FALSE
## 5 A2M-AS1 SRR1740034 0 FALSE
## 6 A2ML1 SRR1740034 2 FALSE
## 7 A2MP1 SRR1740034 NA TRUE
## 8 A3GALT2 SRR1740034 0 FALSE
## 9 A4GALT SRR1740034 NA TRUE
## 10 A4GNT SRR1740034 NA TRUE
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows
We may want to infer the cell type composition of our samples (e.g., with cibersort). The cell type proportions will be added to the original data.
counts.cibersort =
ttBulk::counts %>%
annotate_cell_type(sample, transcript, `read count`, action="add")
## # A tibble: 29,483,520 x 7
## sample transcript `Cell type.x` `read count` time `Cell type.y`
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d B cells naive
## 2 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d B cells memo…
## 3 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d Plasma cells
## 4 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells CD8
## 5 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells CD4 …
## 6 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells CD4 …
## 7 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells CD4 …
## 8 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells foll…
## 9 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells regu…
## 10 SRR17… DDX11L1 b_cell 17 0 d T cells gamm…
## # … with 29,483,510 more rows, and 1 more variable: proportion <dbl>
We can plot the distributions of cell types across samples, and compare them with the nominal cell type labels to check for the purity of isolation.
counts.cibersort %>%
rename(`Cell type experimental` = `Cell type.x`, `Cell type estimated` = `Cell type.y`) %>%
distinct(sample, `Cell type experimental`, `Cell type estimated`, proportion) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`Cell type estimated`, y=proportion, fill=`Cell type experimental`)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_wrap(~`Cell type experimental`) +
my_theme +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5), aspect.ratio=1/5)
For visualisation purposes or ad hoc analyses, we may want to cluster our data (e.g., k-means sample-wise). The cluster annotation will be added to the original data set.
counts.norm.cluster = counts.norm %>%
annotate_clusters(value_column = `read count normalised`, elements_column = sample, feature_column = transcript, number_of_clusters = 2 )
## # A tibble: 1,340,160 x 11
## sample transcript `Cell type` `read count` time `number of merg…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 SRR17… A1BG b_cell 153 0 d 1
## 2 SRR17… A1BG-AS1 b_cell 83 0 d 1
## 3 SRR17… A1CF b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 4 SRR17… A2M b_cell 1 0 d 1
## 5 SRR17… A2M-AS1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 6 SRR17… A2ML1 b_cell 3 0 d 1
## 7 SRR17… A2MP1 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 8 SRR17… A3GALT2 b_cell 0 0 d 1
## 9 SRR17… A4GALT b_cell 4 0 d 1
## 10 SRR17… A4GNT b_cell 0 0 d 1
## # … with 1,340,150 more rows, and 5 more variables: `read count
## # normalised` <dbl>, TMM <dbl>, multiplier <dbl>,
## # filtered_out_low_counts <lgl>, cluster <fct>
We can add cluster annotation to the MDS dimesion reduced data set and plot
counts.norm.MDS %>%
value_column = `read count normalised`,
elements_column = sample,
feature_column = transcript,
number_of_clusters = 2
) %>%
distinct(sample, `Dimension 1`, `Dimension 2`, cluster) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`Dimension 1`, y=`Dimension 2`, color=cluster)) +
geom_point() +
For visualisation purposes or ad hoc analyses, we may want to remove redundant elements from the original data set (e.g., samples or transcripts).
counts.norm.non_redundant =
counts.norm.MDS %>%
method = "correlation",
elements_column = sample,
feature_column = transcript,
value_column = `read count normalised`
We can visualise how the reduced redundancy with the reduced dimentions look like
counts.norm.non_redundant %>%
distinct(sample, `Dimension 1`, `Dimension 2`, `Cell type`) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`Dimension 1`, y=`Dimension 2`, color=`Cell type`)) +
geom_point() +
counts.norm.non_redundant =
counts.norm.MDS %>%
method = "reduced_dimensions",
elements_column = sample,
feature_column = transcript,
Dim_a_column = `Dimension 1`,
Dim_b_column = `Dimension 2`
We can visualise how the reduced redundancy with the reduced dimentions look like
counts.norm.non_redundant %>%
distinct(sample, `Dimension 1`, `Dimension 2`, `Cell type`) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`Dimension 1`, y=`Dimension 2`, color=`Cell type`)) +
geom_point() +
We can convert a list of BAM/SAM files into a tidy data frame of annotated counts, via FeatureCounts
counts = bam_sam_to_featureCounts_tibble(file_names, genome = "hg38")
We can add gene symbols from ensembl identifiers
counts_ensembl %>% annotate_symbol(ens)