This is app is built with Expo. It is heavily inspired by Waking Up. Shout out to Sam Harris and MetaLab for building a great app. Also shout out to Nader Dabit for the idea of creating an Amplify "App in a box."
💻 Ready to deploy Serverless backend.
💡 Light and Dark Mode
🎧 Audio Player
🔐 Authentication
📈 GraphQL
📦 Storage
Clone the repo, install dependencies.
~ git clone ~ cd MeditationApp ~ yarn
Initialize and deploy Amplify Project.
~ amplify init ? Enter a name for the environment: dev (or whatever you would like to call this env) ? Choose your default editor: <YOUR_EDITOR_OF_CHOICE> ? Do you want to use an AWS profile? Y ~ amplify push ? Are you sure you want to continue? Y ? Do you want to generate code for your newly created GraphQL API? Y
Start the app.
~ expo start
Follow the authentication steps to create an AWS Cognito user, and login to the app.
Open the AppSync console.
~ amplify console api
Click on Queries to open the GraphiQL Editor. When prompted to "Login with User Pools", you can login with your new username and use the
located in aws-exports.js for the ClientId. -
Create a new meditation with the following GraphQL mutation:
mutation createMeditation { createMeditation(input: { title: "Monkey Mind", description: "A 20 minute meditation that aims to tame all these monkeys looking to steal your attention.", imageSource: "", tag: "Philosophy" }) { id imageSource tag title } }
In the AWS console, navigate to the S3 Storage bucket for your app.
Create a folder for your audio files under
. Upload your .mp3 files to this bucket, and rename them with the AWS_ID associated to the API data, ie294547d4-461d-4dc7-abea-4c6757d4231f.mp3
This app uses Restyle for many of its styles and light/dark mode. You can find the file under src/theme/Theme
Change the schema under amplify/backend/api/{YOUR_APP_NAME}/schema.graphql
Redeploy to Amplify
~ amplify push