This project is supposed to be a lean starterkit for your Silex app.
Its superlean, so basically only essential things are included.
If you need full power try:
It aims mainly at simple applications that need routing and just some additional logic.
F.e. its a good container for javascript driven apps that get their data through API calls.
It provides:
- Web infrastructure
- Skeleton CSS (
- Bower
- Twig
- HttpCache
- REST Api infrastructure
- Console infrastructure
- Misc
- phpdotenv (
- symfony vardumper (
- stop dumper (
- symfony errors
Via composer create-project
composer create-project -s dev ivoba/superleansilexplate PATH/TO/YOUR/APP 2.*
If you want to base your app on this starter i recommend to do the following after create-project.
- remove .git and init your own git (you should be prompted for this by composer already)
- remove composer.lock from .gitignore, so you can store your dependency lock
- you might want to replace the namespace from "Superleansilexplate" to something more custom
- bower, composer will call bower install
Api and web are designed to run on their own resp. subdomains with their resp starting point in /web. If you want to only have one starting point copy this to web.php:
$api = require __DIR__ . '/Controller/api.php';
$app->mount('/api', $api);
In dev environment we use dotenv for configuration, so you can use a .env file in the project root to mimic Env vars.
Start hacking in resources/views/*.twig
Start hacking in src/Controllers/*.php
Add provider in src/app.php
Create cli commands in src/Command and
register them in src/cli.php
Run it with the php integrated webserver:
or create a apache / nginx vhost.
php console server:run
# in prod env
php console server:run -e prod
and open
php console server:run -i api
and open
SILEX_ENV=dev php -d variables_order=EGPCS console silex:hello-world
# for cache clear
php console cache:clear
Superleansilexplate is heroku ready.
Because we utilize bower, you will need to run multipacks while creating your heroku app:
heroku create --buildpack
Then just initialize your heroku app as stated in the docs and push it:
git push heroku master
A docker setup for apache with php7 is provided.
For using docker in dev environments run docker-compose and check on http://localhost:8088:
docker-compose up
For a production build run:
docker build -t superleansilexplate -f docker/apache-php7-prod/Dockerfile . docker run -it --rm -p 8088:80 --env SILEX_ENV=prod --name run-superleansilexplate superleansilexplate
- yeoman setup with grunt/gulp usage
- scrutinizr