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Bamboo tracker



This project contains serverless application deployable to AWS for automatic tracking of worked hours in BambooHR. Project also contains functionality for notifying about current tracked timesheets per day / week. Project is implemented using GoLang programming language and serverless framework.


Current project creates CloudFormation stack that contains

  • AWS StepFunction that orchestrates lambda steps for uploading timesheet and notifying about emails
  • s3 bucket for storing timesheets
  • EventBridge for triggering StepFunction

Project also contains definition of terraform stack

  • verification of SES email identity (it's not part of CloudFormation stack since this is not supported by CloudFormation). This is for sending notification emails about current time tracking values. This terraform stack should be applied before deploying CloudFormation stack.

Upon invocation lambda for uploading timesheet:

  1. Parses timesheet entries from yaml file in s3 bucket (by default it retrieves file by key timesheet.yml)
  2. If there is current day in parsed config it continues. Otherwise, it terminates
  3. Logs in to BambooHR using credentials in environment variables
  4. Uploads timesheet entries for current day to bambooHR
  5. Terminates

Upon invocation lambda for notifying about current timesheet values:

  1. Logs in to BambooHR using credentials in environment variables
  2. Retrieves logged working hours for current day and week
  3. Sends an email using AWS SES to/from emails specified as environment variables with HTML content of logged hours.
  4. Terminates


After cloning repository it is required to install dependencies.

make install

This is required one time only.

Also create a copy of timesheet entries

cp timesheet.dst.yml timesheet.yml

And modify this timesheet according to your need. Important - name of the weekdays must be lowercase

Update your custom values in terraform directory and execute in that directory

terraform apply

How to deploy

Environment variables needed before deployment

  1. BAMBOO_HOST - environment variable containing hostname of your company bambooHR
  2. BAMBOO_USERNAME - your username used for logging in to BambooHR
  3. BAMBOO_PASSWORD - your password used for logging in to BambooHR
  4. DAILY_TIME_TRACKING_SENDER_EMAIL - email address to send time tracking notifications from
  5. DAILY_TIME_TRACKING_RECIPIENT_EMAIL - email address to receive time tracking notifications from

Another option is to store those env variables into .env file, they will be picked up by make.

make deploy STAGE=YOUR_STAGE //STAGE is optional, be default it is "dev"

You can copy content of your local timesheet.yml to s3 by running

make uploadTimesheet

How to run tests

Execute command

make test


Content of this project was created only for research purposes. Definitely not for automatic tracking of working hours due to laziness.


Uploading timesheet entries to Bamboo HR








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