dotemacs file from times before spacemacs.
Webbrowser that has similiar design philosophy as Emacs. I’m loving it! It’s written in js and so is it’s rcfile.
I found it somewhere on the internet and adjusted it a tiny bit. It creates nice circles.
It gets weather prognosis from (with python - and creates a conky config that nicely prints it on the screen. With pictures of weather and four days prognosis.
It is easily adjustible (for different cities), but the best part is, that if there is no internet connection and it therefore can not get the weather report it says that the weather is sunny.
They have a really nice prognosis for Slovenia. With some imagemagick I could make the background of graphs transparent and print them on wallpaper with conky.
If I would start using orgmode for everyday notes and planing it would be really nice to connect agenda file with conky!
Simple bash script, that prints out random marxist quote. Quotes are scapped from and python scrapper is also enclosed. Nothing greets you nicer than Lenin’s advice.
Configs for windowmanager fluxbox, which I used before i3 came along. Made some nice keyboard shortcuts so mice was undue.
dotemacs fajl izpred časov spacemacs-a.
Super razširljiv spletni brskalnik, zasnovan s podobno miselnostjo kakor Emacs. Napisan je v java scriptu, v katerem se piše tudi rcdokument.
Pobrano z neta; naredi lepe obročke.
S spletne strani openweathermap pobere napoved za Ljubljano in jo prikaže v conky-ju.
Na katedri za meteorologijo FMF imajo zelo natančno vremensko napoved in lepe grafe, ki bi jim lahko z imagemagick-om spremenili ozadje v transparent in jih vrgli v conky-ja.
Ako bi začel resno furat orgmode za vsakodnevno organizacijo bi agendo lahko lepil v conky-ja.
Preprosta skripta, ki izpiše naključen marksističen citat. Citati so poskrepani iz, priložen pa je tudi python skreperček.
Skripta je primerna za zagon ob startapu - nič te ne pozdravi lepše ob zagonu računalnika kakor ščepec dobrega starega Lenina.
Konfiguracije za meni ljubo namizje fluxbox, ki sem ga fural preden ni mimo prišel i3. Z nekaj lepimi bližnjicami na tipkovnici je miška postala skoraj odveč.