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Change type of LocVar, starting refactor of files
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vidsinghal committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 32723ed commit 5c6b2cf
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Showing 8 changed files with 298 additions and 243 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,12 @@ toSeqV :: Var -> Var
toSeqV v = varAppend v (toVar "_seq")

-- | Abstract location variables.
type LocVar = Var
-- type LocVar = Var

-- | A location variable stores the abstract location.
-- | the second element stores locs for fields if factored out for an SoA optimization.
-- | If the list is empty it signifies a single location per type.
type LocVar = (Var, [((String, Int), Var)])

-- | Abstract region variables.
type RegVar = Var
Expand Down
394 changes: 197 additions & 197 deletions gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/L2/Examples.hs

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

69 changes: 41 additions & 28 deletions gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/L2/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ type Exp2 = E2 LocVar Ty2
-- | L1 Types extended with abstract Locations.
type Ty2 = UrTy LocVar

--type Ty2SoA = UrTy [LocVar]

--instance Out Ty2SoA


-- | Shorthand for recursions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,6 +203,12 @@ data LocRet = EndOf LRM
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData)

freeVarsInLoc :: LocVar -> [Var]
freeVarsInLoc (l, lst) = case lst of
[] -> [l]
_ -> let locs = (\((dcon, index), loc) -> loc) lst
in [l] ++ locs

instance FreeVars (E2Ext l d) where
gFreeVars e =
case e of
Expand All @@ -223,12 +233,11 @@ instance FreeVars (E2Ext l d) where
SSPush{} -> S.empty
SSPop{} -> S.empty

instance FreeVars LocExp where
gFreeVars e =
case e of
AfterConstantLE _ loc -> S.singleton loc
AfterVariableLE v loc _ -> S.fromList [v,loc]
AfterConstantLE _ loc -> S.fromList $ freeVarsInLoc loc
AfterVariableLE v loc _ -> S.fromList $ [v] ++ (freeVarsInLoc loc)
_ -> S.empty

instance (Out l, Out d, Show l, Show d) => Expression (E2Ext l d) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -485,7 +494,7 @@ instance NFData LRM where

-- | A designated doesn't-really-exist-anywhere location.
dummyLRM :: LRM
dummyLRM = LRM "l_dummy" (VarR "r_dummy") Input
dummyLRM = LRM ("l_dummy", []) (VarR "r_dummy") Input

regionToVar :: Region -> Var
regionToVar r = case r of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,6 +565,8 @@ instance Typeable (PreExp E2Ext LocVar (UrTy LocVar)) where

instance Out (ArrowTy2 Ty2)

--instance Out (ArrowTy2 Ty2SoA)

instance Out Effect
instance Out a => Out (S.Set a) where
docPrec n x = docPrec n (S.toList x)
Expand All @@ -579,15 +590,15 @@ outLocVars ty = (\(LRM l _ _) -> l) $
L.filter (\(LRM _ _ m) -> m == Output) (locVars ty)

outRegVars :: ArrowTy2 ty2 -> [LocVar]
outRegVars ty = (\(LRM _ r _) -> regionToVar r) $
outRegVars ty = (\(LRM _ r _) -> (regionToVar r, [])) $
L.filter (\(LRM _ _ m) -> m == Output) (locVars ty)

inRegVars :: ArrowTy2 ty2 -> [LocVar]
inRegVars ty = L.nub $ (\(LRM _ r _) -> regionToVar r) $
inRegVars ty = L.nub $ (\(LRM _ r _) -> (regionToVar r, [])) $
L.filter (\(LRM _ _ m) -> m == Input) (locVars ty)

allRegVars :: ArrowTy2 ty2 -> [LocVar]
allRegVars ty = L.nub $ (\(LRM _ r _) -> regionToVar r) (locVars ty)
allRegVars ty = L.nub $ (\(LRM _ r _) -> (regionToVar r, [])) (locVars ty)

-- | Apply a location substitution to a type.
substLoc :: M.Map LocVar LocVar -> Ty2 -> Ty2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -640,7 +651,7 @@ substEffs mp effs = (\ef -> substEff mp ef) effs

dummyTyLocs :: Applicative f => UrTy () -> f (UrTy LocVar)
dummyTyLocs ty = traverse (const (pure (toVar "dummy"))) ty
dummyTyLocs ty = traverse (const (pure ((toVar "dummy", [])))) ty

-- | Collect all the locations mentioned in a type.
locsInTy :: Ty2 -> [LocVar]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -779,7 +790,7 @@ occurs w ex =
FromEndE{} -> False
BoundsCheck{} -> False
AddFixed v _ -> v `S.member` w
IndirectionE _ _ (_,v1) (_,v2) ib ->
IndirectionE _ _ (_,(v1, _)) (_,(v2, _)) ib ->
v1 `S.member` w || v2 `S.member` w || go ib
GetCilkWorkerNum -> False
LetAvail _ bod -> go bod
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,7 +875,7 @@ depList = (\(a,b) -> (a,a,b)) . M.toList . go M.empty
let (vars,locs) = unzip vlocs
acc'' = L.foldr (\w acc''' -> M.insertWith (++) v [w] acc''')
(vars ++ locs)
(vars ++ (L.concatMap freeVarsInLoc locs))
in go acc'' e)
Expand All @@ -882,7 +893,9 @@ depList = (\(a,b) -> (a,a,b)) . M.toList . go M.empty
go (M.insertWith (++) (regionToVar r) (S.toList $ allFreeVars rhs) acc) rhs
LetParRegionE r _ _ rhs ->
go (M.insertWith (++) (regionToVar r) (S.toList $ allFreeVars rhs) acc) rhs
LetLocE loc phs rhs ->
LetLocE (loc, _) phs rhs ->
-- Assumption that the loc for the data constructor buffer is passed in case
-- of SoA. If in SoA, ignoring the locs of the fields atm.
go (M.insertWith (++) loc (dep phs ++ (S.toList $ allFreeVars rhs)) acc) rhs
RetE{} -> acc
FromEndE{} -> acc
Expand All @@ -902,49 +915,49 @@ depList = (\(a,b) -> (a,a,b)) . M.toList . go M.empty
dep ex =
case ex of
StartOfRegionLE r -> [regionToVar r]
AfterConstantLE _ loc -> [loc]
AfterVariableLE v loc _ -> [v,loc]
AfterConstantLE _ (loc, _) -> [loc]
AfterVariableLE v (loc, _) _ -> [v,loc]
InRegionLE r -> [regionToVar r]
FromEndLE loc -> [loc]
FromEndLE (loc, _) -> [loc]
FreeLE -> []

-- gFreeVars ++ locations ++ region variables
allFreeVars :: Exp2 -> S.Set Var
allFreeVars ex =
case ex of
AppE _ locs args -> S.fromList locs `S.union` (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
AppE _ locs args -> S.fromList (L.concatMap freeVarsInLoc locs) `S.union` (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
PrimAppE _ args -> (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
LetE (v,locs,_,rhs) bod -> (S.fromList locs `S.union` (allFreeVars rhs) `S.union` (allFreeVars bod))
LetE (v,locs,_,rhs) bod -> (S.fromList (L.concatMap freeVarsInLoc locs) `S.union` (allFreeVars rhs) `S.union` (allFreeVars bod))
`S.difference` S.singleton v
IfE a b c -> allFreeVars a `S.union` allFreeVars b `S.union` allFreeVars c
MkProdE args -> (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
ProjE _ bod -> allFreeVars bod
CaseE scrt brs -> (allFreeVars scrt) `S.union` (S.unions (map (\(_,vlocs,c) -> allFreeVars c `S.difference`
S.fromList (map fst vlocs) `S.difference`
S.fromList (map snd vlocs))
S.fromList (map (fst . snd) vlocs))
DataConE loc _ args -> S.singleton loc `S.union` (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
DataConE (loc, _) _ args -> S.singleton loc `S.union` (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
TimeIt e _ _ -> allFreeVars e
WithArenaE _ e -> allFreeVars e
SpawnE _ locs args -> S.fromList locs `S.union` (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
SpawnE _ locs args -> S.fromList (L.concatMap freeVarsInLoc locs) `S.union` (S.unions (map allFreeVars args))
Ext ext ->
case ext of
LetRegionE r _ _ bod -> S.delete (regionToVar r) (allFreeVars bod)
LetParRegionE r _ _ bod -> S.delete (regionToVar r) (allFreeVars bod)
LetLocE loc locexp bod -> S.delete loc (allFreeVars bod `S.union` gFreeVars locexp)
LetLocE (loc, _) locexp bod -> S.delete loc (allFreeVars bod `S.union` gFreeVars locexp)
StartOfPkdCursor cur -> S.singleton cur
TagCursor a b-> S.fromList [a,b]
RetE locs v -> S.insert v (S.fromList locs)
FromEndE loc -> S.singleton loc
BoundsCheck _ reg cur -> S.fromList [reg,cur]
IndirectionE _ _ (a,b) (c,d) _ -> S.fromList $ [a,b,c,d]
RetE locs v -> S.insert v (S.fromList (L.concatMap freeVarsInLoc locs))
FromEndE (loc, _) -> S.singleton loc
BoundsCheck _ (reg, _) (cur, _) -> S.fromList [reg,cur]
IndirectionE _ _ ((a, _),(b, _)) ((c, _),(d, _)) _ -> S.fromList $ [a,b,c,d]
AddFixed v _ -> S.singleton v
GetCilkWorkerNum-> S.empty
LetAvail vs bod -> S.fromList vs `S.union` gFreeVars bod
AllocateTagHere loc _ -> S.singleton loc
AllocateScalarsHere loc -> S.singleton loc
SSPush _ a b _ -> S.fromList [a,b]
SSPop _ a b -> S.fromList [a,b]
AllocateTagHere (loc, _) _ -> S.singleton loc
AllocateScalarsHere (loc, _) -> S.singleton loc
SSPush _ (a, _) (b, _) _ -> S.fromList [a,b]
SSPop _ (a, _) (b, _) -> S.fromList [a,b]
_ -> gFreeVars ex

freeLocVars :: Exp2 -> [Var]
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/L2/Typecheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -767,42 +767,42 @@ tcExp ddfs env funs constrs regs tstatein exp =
regs' <- regionInsert exp r regs
(ty,tstate) <- tcExp ddfs env funs constrs regs' tstatein e
return (ty,tstate)

Ext (LetLocE v c e) -> do
-- ATM, ignoring the locations for other buffers.
Ext (LetLocE (v, rst) c e) -> do
let env' = extendVEnv v CursorTy env
case c of
StartOfRegionLE r ->
do ensureRegion exp r regs
absentStart exp constrs r
let tstate1 = extendTS v (Output,False) tstatein
let constrs1 = extendConstrs (StartOfC v r) $ extendConstrs (InRegionC v r) constrs
let tstate1 = extendTS (v, rst) (Output,False) tstatein
let constrs1 = extendConstrs (StartOfC (v, rst) r) $ extendConstrs (InRegionC (v, rst) r) constrs
(ty,tstate2) <- tcExp ddfs env' funs constrs1 regs tstate1 e
tstate3 <- removeLoc exp tstate2 v
tstate3 <- removeLoc exp tstate2 (v, rst)
return (ty,tstate3)
AfterConstantLE i l1 ->
do r <- getRegion exp constrs l1
let tstate1 = extendTS v (Output,True) $ setAfter l1 tstatein
let constrs1 = extendConstrs (InRegionC v r) $ extendConstrs (AfterConstantC i l1 v) constrs
let tstate1 = extendTS (v, rst) (Output,True) $ setAfter l1 tstatein
let constrs1 = extendConstrs (InRegionC (v, rst) r) $ extendConstrs (AfterConstantC i l1 (v, rst)) constrs
(ty,tstate2) <- tcExp ddfs env' funs constrs1 regs tstate1 e
tstate3 <- removeLoc exp tstate2 v
tstate3 <- removeLoc exp tstate2 (v, rst)
return (ty,tstate3)
AfterVariableLE x l1 _ ->
do r <- getRegion exp constrs l1
(_xty,tstate1) <- tcExp ddfs env funs constrs regs tstatein $ VarE x
-- NOTE: We now allow aliases (offsets) from scalar vars too. So we can leave out this check
-- ensurePackedLoc exp xty l1
let tstate2 = extendTS v (Output,True) $ setAfter l1 tstate1
let constrs1 = extendConstrs (InRegionC v r) $ extendConstrs (AfterVariableC x l1 v) constrs
let tstate2 = extendTS (v, rst) (Output,True) $ setAfter l1 tstate1
let constrs1 = extendConstrs (InRegionC (v, rst) r) $ extendConstrs (AfterVariableC x l1 (v, rst)) constrs
(ty,tstate3) <- tcExp ddfs env' funs constrs1 regs tstate2 e
tstate4 <- removeLoc exp tstate3 v
tstate4 <- removeLoc exp tstate3 (v, rst)
return (ty,tstate4)
FromEndLE _l1 ->
do -- TODO: This is the bare minimum which gets the examples typechecking again.
-- Need to figure out if we need to check more things here
(ty,tstate1) <- tcExp ddfs env' funs constrs regs tstatein e
return (ty,tstate1)
FreeLE ->
do let constrs1 = extendConstrs (InRegionC v globalReg) $ constrs
do let constrs1 = extendConstrs (InRegionC (v, rst) globalReg) $ constrs
(ty,tstate1) <- tcExp ddfs env' funs constrs1 regs tstatein e
return (ty,tstate1)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/Language/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ data UrTy loc
| BoolTy
| ProdTy [UrTy loc] -- ^ An N-ary tuple
| SymDictTy (Maybe Var) (UrTy ()) -- ^ A map from SymTy to Ty
-- ^ We allow built-in dictionaries from symbols to a value type.
-- ^ We allow built-in dictionaries from symbols to a value type.
| PackedTy TyCon loc -- ^ No type arguments to TyCons for now. (No polymorphism.)
| VectorTy (UrTy loc) -- ^ Vectors are decorated with the types of their elements;
-- which can only include scalars or flat products of scalars.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/Passes/Cursorize.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ cursorize Prog{ddefs,fundefs,mainExp} = do
-- |
cursorizeFunDef :: DDefs Ty2 -> FunDefs2 -> FunDef2 -> PassM FunDef3
cursorizeFunDef ddefs fundefs FunDef{funName,funTy,funArgs,funBody,funMeta} = do
let inLocs = inLocVars funTy
let inLocs = dbgTraceIt "Print function type: " dbgTraceIt (sdoc funTy) dbgTraceIt "\n" inLocVars funTy
outLocs = outLocVars funTy
outRegs = outRegVars funTy
inRegs = inRegVars funTy
Expand Down
41 changes: 39 additions & 2 deletions gibbon-compiler/src/Gibbon/Passes/InferLocations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ convertFunTy (from,to,isPar) = do
-- For this simple version, we assume every location is in a separate region:
lrm1 <- concat <$> mapM (toLRM Input) from'
lrm2 <- toLRM Output to'
return $ ArrowTy2 { locVars = lrm1 ++ lrm2
dbgTraceIt "Print in Inferloc: " dbgTraceIt (sdoc (lrm1, lrm2, from, to, from', to')) dbgTraceIt "\n" return $ ArrowTy2 { locVars = lrm1 ++ lrm2
, arrIns = from'
, arrEffs = S.empty
, arrOut = to'
Expand All @@ -152,9 +152,46 @@ convertFunTy (from,to,isPar) = do
return $ LRM v (VarR r) md)
(F.toList ls)

-- convertFunTySoa :: ([Ty1],Ty1,Bool) -> DDefs Ty1 -> PassM (ArrowTy2 Ty2)
-- convertFunTySoa (from,to,isPar) ddefs = do
-- from' <- mapM convertTy from
-- from'' <- mapM (convertTySoA ddefs) from
-- to' <- convertTy to
-- to'' <- convertTySoA ddefs to
-- -- For this simple version, we assume every location is in a separate region:
-- lrm1 <- concat <$> mapM (toLRM Input) from'
-- lrm2 <- toLRM Output to'
-- dbgTraceIt "Print in Inferloc: " dbgTraceIt (sdoc (lrm1, lrm2, from, to, from', to', from'', to'')) dbgTraceIt "\n" return $ ArrowTy2 { locVars = lrm1 ++ lrm2
-- , arrIns = from'
-- , arrEffs = S.empty
-- , arrOut = to'
-- , locRets = []
-- , hasParallelism = isPar }
-- where
-- toLRM md ls =
-- mapM (\v -> do r <- freshLocVar "r"
-- return $ LRM v (VarR r) md)
-- (F.toList ls)

convertTy :: Ty1 -> PassM Ty2
convertTy ty = traverse (const (freshLocVar "loc")) ty

-- convertTySoA :: DDefs Ty1 -> Ty1 -> PassM Ty2SoA
-- convertTySoA ddefs ty = case ty of
-- PackedTy tc loc -> case (M.lookup (toVar tc) ddefs) of
-- Nothing -> do
-- loc <- freshLocVar "loc"
-- let locs = dbgTraceIt "Nothing case" [loc]
-- in traverse (const $ pure locs) ty
-- Just ddef -> do
-- loc <- freshLocVar "loc"
-- let locs = dbgTraceIt "just case" dbgTraceIt (sdoc ddef) dbgTraceIt "\n" [loc]
-- in traverse (const $ pure locs) ty

--traverse (const (freshLocVar "loc")) ty

convertDDefs :: DDefs Ty1 -> PassM (DDefs Ty2)
convertDDefs ddefs = traverse f ddefs
where f (DDef tyargs n dcs) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +261,7 @@ inferLocs initPrg = do
fenv <- forM fds $ \(FunDef _ _ (intys, outty) bod _meta) -> do
let has_par = hasSpawns bod
lift $ lift $ convertFunTy (intys,outty,has_par)
let fe = FullEnv dfs' M.empty fenv
let fe = dbgTraceIt "Print Data definitions" dbgTraceIt (sdoc dfs) dbgTraceIt "\n" FullEnv dfs' M.empty fenv
me' <- case me of
-- We ignore the type of the main expression inferred in L1..
-- Probably should add a small check here
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gibbon-rts/rts-c/gibbon_rts.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ INLINE_HEADER void gib_grow_region(char **writeloc_addr, char **footer_addr)
if (old_chunk_in_nursery) {
Expand Down

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