ITSM-NG is a GLPI fork with the objective of offering a strong community component and relevant technological choices.
This is a cross platform application building in Flutter. This application allow to the list, create, modify, show more information of a ticket or a computer.
To configure the ITSM-NG mobile application, please refer to our documentation : Android application.
Set up your the application with your settings (URL, Token...) and click on Send
Here is teh list of the different dependencies and their versions useful for the application.
Flutter: 3.7.0-23.0.pre.23 • channel master
Dart: 3.0.0 (build
The version and build number: 1.0.0+1
Java: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+0-b1751.21-8125866)
- sdk: flutter
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
http: ^0.13.5
rflutter_alert: ^2.0.4
charts_flutter: ^0.12.0
regexed_validator: ^2.0.0+1
shared_preferences: ^2.0.16
intl: ^0.17.0
flutter_speed_dial: ^6.2.0
duration_picker: ^1.1.1
sdk: flutter
flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.13.0
rename: ^2.1.1
This is a brieve description of the application structure in the main folder.
📁 lib
- 📁 api
- 📄 api_endpoints.dart: api endpoits
- 📄 api_mgmt.dart: manage api call
- 📄 model.dart: model for the session
- 📁 common
- 📄 button.dart: various buttons
- 📄 dropdown.dart: dropdown a list of items
- 📄 form_fields.dart: various fields for a form
- 📄 message.dart: various messages which can be used in alert for example
- 📄 multi_select.dart: generate a multi select item
- 📁 Data_table
- 📄 row_source_computer.dart: generate each rows in the list of computer
- 📄 row_source_ticket.dart: generate each rows in the list of ticket
- 📁 models
- 📄 bar_model.dart: Model to get a bar in the bar chart
- 📄 computer_model.dart: Computer model
- 📄 entity.dart: Entity model
- 📄 item_ticket.dart: Item ticket model
- 📄 itil_category.dart: Category model
- 📄 itil_followup.dart: ITIL followup model
- 📄 location.dart: Location model
- 📄 special_status.dart: Special status model
- 📄 state_computer.dart: State computer model
- 📄 task.dart: Task model
- 📄 ticket_user.dart: Ticket user model
- 📄 tickets_model.dart: Ticket model
- 📄 update_source.dart/ Update source model
- 📄 user.dart: User model
- 📁 UI
- 📄 authentification.dart: UI authentifacation
- 📄 computers_page.dart: UI all computers
- 📄 create_computer.dart: UI create a computer
- 📄 create_ticket.dart: UI create a ticket
- 📄 detail_computer.dart: UI show more information of computer
- 📄 detail_ticket.dart/ UI show more information of a computer
- 📄 home_page.dart: UI home page
- 📄 navigation_drawer.dart: UI menu button
- 📄 ticket_page.dart: UI all tickets
- 📄 application.dart: set the language
- 📄 main.dart: main
- 📄 translations.dart: manage transalations
- 📁 api
📁 locale
- 📄 i18n_en.json: English transalation
- 📄 i18n_fr.json: French translation