make sure to have npm and python 3.x installed
for setup:
- create a directory for your files
- before cloning the repo, I recommend to run venv <project_name> to create a virtual environment for your project
- once this is finished change to <project_name> directory and clone the repo
- run:
- npm install
- .\Scripts\activate
- this activates the python virtual environment created in the beginning and is where the python dependencies will be installed
- use deactivate instead of activate to get out of it
- pip install req.txt
- this should build all the javascript and python modules needed
- it is not recommended to change the structure of the files, the static folder and templates are the locations where flask looks for the necessary files, and changing the structure would require coding it as such in flask
for use:
- this is only created for development as of writing this
- to start if you created a python virtual environment
- go to the directory where you cloned the repo
- run python
- if you want to run flask set the environment variable
- this will enable you to start the server using:
flask run
- the static javascript files are served from webpack-dev-server
- the link to the static files is in index.html and points to the dev-server
- the output for the bundle created is controlled in webpack.config file as well as all webpack dependencies
- the server can be run from .\node_modules\.bin\webpack-dev-server
- this will create the bundle, host it and dynamically load
- to access the application go to localhost:5000 (the default port) once both the python and webpack servers are up and running