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cyberRoyal - RoyalTS Dynamic Folder for CyberArk PAS



The RoyalTS integration with CyberArk PAS comes with a server and a client side. The server side provides a prefetched list of safes and accounts. The client side provides a powershell script for a "Dynamic Folder" in RoyalTS which creates all connection entries based on the safes and accounts the client user has access to.


  • CyberArk PAS v10.x or greater
  • PowerShell v3 or greater
  • RoyalTS v5.0 or greater (v5.1+ with Web AutoForm Login entries)
  • CyberArk PSM for RDP which allow to connect RDP directly (with or without NLA) - see CyberArk PSM documentation
  • A Webserver that can provide the server side prefetched list (e.g. use an IIS from a PVWA component server)
  • Domain Accounts in CyberArk must provide their Targets in the "RemoteMachineAddress" attribute

Setup ServerSide

The Server Side part generates a list of safes and accounts. Because the WebAPI call to list all accounts in all your accessable safes can take its time, it will be much faster to use a pre-fetched list. This gives an overall better user experience.

Place ServerSide script and define data folder

Place the ServerSide PowerhSell script cyberarkSafeAccountList.ps1 with the "log" folder somewhere like C:\Scripts and define a data folder to write the safeaccountlist to like C:\CyberArk\ScriptData

Configure audit user

Define an audit user or take the builtin cyberark "Auditor" Put the user password into a key encrypted PowerShell secure string file. The key makes it possible to decrypt this secure string also within a scheduled Task and the executing user.

It could be a good practice to use AAM Credential Provider to retreive the audit user password instead of define a secure string file.

Store password as secure string file with key

Create a AES key

$Key = New-Object Byte[] 32
$Key | out-file C:\Scripts\keys\secret.key

Write the API password (here as "yourPassword") into a secure string file with the provided key

"yourPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key (get-content "C:\Scripts\keys\secret.key") | Set-Content "C:\Scripts\secret.ini"

Use it within the serverSide script

# Secrets for CyberArk Auditor user or an user in Auditors group to read all safes and accounts
$ApiUsername = "Auditor"
$ApiPasswordFile = "C:\scripts\secret.ini"
$ApiPasswordKey = "C:\scripts\keys\secret.key"

Run the ServerSide script as scheduled Task

Run the server side script as an scheduled task to retrieve the safes and accounts periodically. Take the cyberArkSafeAccountList.xml as a template for the scheduled task.

ServerSide script parameters

Parameter Values Description
pvwaUrl "https://PVWA/PasswordVault" Base URL of the PVWA where the script will use the API to retrieve all safes and accounts
filePath "c:\path\file.json" Full path where the safes and accounts list JSON will be stored
apiUsername "Auditor" CyberArk (internal) API user with auditor permissions or read/list permissions to all required safes and accounts to generate the list from
apiPasswordFile "C:\scripts\secret.ini" Secure String password file
apiPasswordKey "C:\scripts\keys\secret.key" Secure String key file to decrypt the password file
debugOn boolean $true or $false Provides console output if scripts executed in console and writes more details in logfile and event logs
psCertValidation boolean $true or $false Enable/Disable SSL/TLS certificate validation callback in PowerShell (.NET) - disable this is self-signed certs are use

ServerSide logs

The script with the Log-Module provides some log information in the same scriptfolder where it is executed with %scriptName%.log and Event-Logs under 'Windows Logs\Windows PowerShell'

Setup ClientSide

Prepare the ClientSide script with the necessary paramaters, see client switches and client settings

RoyalTS Dynamic Folder

To use the script in RoyalTS, create a new dynamic folder:


Set the Dynamic Folder Script Interpreter to PowerShell and paste in the ClientSide script


Setup a Credential object for your CyberArk PVWA User in RoyalTS and use it as Credentials in the Dynamic Folder so the script will be able to login on to the PVWA API (not in groupBasedMode or allAccountsMode)


Once applied, the Dynamic Folder Script will be executed when Reloading the Dynamic Folder


Based on the mode, platform mapping, access permissions and other settings the script should create connection entries in the Dynamic Folder:


ClientSide script switches

Switches on the script to run in different modes

Parameter Values Description
webSettingsUrl "https://WebServer/Data/settings.json" Will take all settings for the client side script from a central stored JSON instead of locally defined in the PS script. Leave empty to take the locally defined settings
debugOn boolean $true or $false switch debug mode on, can be used only directly in powershell, cannot be used in RoyalTS dynamic folder
psCertValidation boolean $true or $false Enable/Disable SSL/TLS certificate validation callback in PowerShell (.NET) - disable this is self-signed certs are use

ClientSide script settings

Script settings in JSON format which can be defined within the script or taken from a URL

Parameter Values Description
pvwaUrl "https://PVWA/PasswordVault" PVWA URL used for the API login with the executing user (not relevant in groupBasedMode or allAccountsMode)
dataUrl "https://WebServer/ScriptData/cyberArkSafeAccountList.json" URL where the safes accounts list JSON file can be retrieved
authMethod LDAP/RADIUS/CyberArk Defines the API authentication Method for the user to authenticate against the PVWA (not relevant in groupBasedMode or allAccountsMode)
authPrompt boolean 1 (true) or 0 (false) Prompts for CyberArk API credentials (recommended) instead of taking saved credentials from RoyalTS. This setting does not apply in groupBasedMode
psmRdpAddress "psm.domain.local" PSM for RDP Server address FQDN/IP to take for the created RDP connection entries
psmSshAddress "psmp.domain.local" PSM for SSH Server address FQDN/IP to take for the created SSH connection entries
safeFilter boolean 1 (true) or 0 (false) Enables (true) or disables (false) a safe filtering based on the safeFilterRegex parameter. If enabled, the script creates only connection entries from safes where the name matches the regex
safeFilterRegex string (RegEx in PS) Regular Expression to match a safe name. A regex like ".*domain.*" will match e.g. a safe with name "WinDomainAccounts"
groupBasedMode boolean 1 (true) or 0 (false) Enables (true) or disables (false) the group based mode. This mode will take the actual executing domain user from $env:username and queries the Active Directory for direct group memeberships distinguishedNames. If enabled, the script creats only connetion entries from safes where the name matches a corresponding user group, taken from the first match group in the defined regex groupBasedSafeRegex parameter. This mode does not require a PVWA login
groupBasedSafeRegex string (RegEx in PS) Regular Expression to match a safe name as the first match group. A regex like "CN=.*-(.+-WinDomain.+)-Users,OU=.*" will match e.g. a safe with name "T0-WinDomainAccounts" from a group DN like "CN=rolePrefix-T0-WinDomainAccounts-Users,OU=pam,DC=domain,DC=loc"
allAccountsMode boolean 1 (true) or 0 (false) Will create connection entries from all accounts which exist in the safes and accounts list. This mode does not require a PVWA login
useWebPluginWin "", "f008c2f0-5fb3-4c5e-a8eb-8072c1183088" If not empty then this RoyalTS Windows Plugin ID will be taken as "Browser Engine" for Web connection entries. Also possible to just use Default Settings in RoyalTS
folderCreation none,, safe.description,, safe.description-name Will creates folder for all connection entries based on the provided naming scheme: none will create no folders, will create folder based on the safe name the accounts are in, safe.description from the safe description, from safe name + description and safe.description-name from safe description + safe name
entryName simple (DEFAULT), named, full Connection Entry name which can be simple or just empty as default and only has the "address" as entry name, named as "username@address" and full as "target - username@address" for domain users
enableNLA ScrollBars, SmartResize (default) Sets the resize mode for RDP connection in RoyalTS (RyoalTS v6 default will do a Reconnect)
rdpResizeMode boolean 1 (true) or 0 (false) Enables NLA in RDP connection entries
excludeAccounts string array["user1","user2"] Excludes these accounts / usernames from creating any connection entries

In some specific RoyalTS versions there is an issue with "true" und "false" value, where RoyalTS did rewrite these keywords in capital letters. This becomes an invalid type in JSON format so we use 0 (false) or 1 (true) instead of the keywords in our json settings

Platform Mappings

Platform Mapping is required to match certain CyberArk Platform for accounts to a specific connection entry in RoyalTS. As platforms can be rather different and customized, the platformMappings provides the necessary parameters to create connections properly. The platformMappings entry is a dictionary of Platform-ID as unique Key and a Dictionary of parameters as Values

Parameter Values Description
connections Array of connection entries with type and components connection entry like {"type":"RDP", components:["PSM-RDP","PSM-MMC"]} where "type" can be SSH, SFTP, RDP, WEB and component should match to a CyberArk connection component for the corresponding platform. Therefore it is possible to create multiple connection with the same account for different connection components like a Firewall account to create a connection via RDP Web but also SSH.
accountType local, domain Defines if an account is local "username -> address" oder domain with "username@logonDomain -> RemoteMachineAdress as target" in the connection entry "psm /a and /t parameter"
replacePsm string Replaces the connection computername / PSM address for connections created from this specific platform with the specified value
replaceName string Replaces the connection entry name entirely with this value
replaceRegex string Replaces the connection entry name with this RegEx that matches. Good to filter out FQDN in server names e.g. Regex: ""
namePrefix string Prefix in the connection entry name
namePostfix string Postfix in the connection entry name
psmRemoteMachine boolean Consideres PSM Remote Machines and create multiple entries per Remote Machine
drivesRedirection boolean Enables the Drives Redirection in the RDP Settings of the entry
replacePsm string Replaces the PSM address for this entries
color string Sets an hexadecimal color (e.g. #FF0000 for red) for this entries
webProtocol https/https only used in PSM for Web connection entries as target address protocol to use. Target address are mostly only an IP or FQDN
webOverwriteUri URI as string only used in PSM for Web connection entries as target URI (like: - The URL is combined with the webProtocol + webOverwriteUri. If not defined or empty, URI is taken from the account address.
webInputObject string used as Input Form object where the conneciont entry will fill in "yourUsername:accountUsername" for the PSM for Web Proxy process

Example of a platform mapping

    "platformMappings": {
        "UnixSSH": {
            "connections": [{ "type": "SSH", "components": ["PSMP-SSH"] }]
        "LinuxLinux": {
            "replacePsm": "another-ssh-proxy",
            "connections": [
                { "type": "SSH", "components": ["PSMP-SSH"] },
                { "type": "SFTP", "components": ["PSMP-SFTP"] }
        "WindowsDomain": {
            "psmRemoteMachine": 1,
            "connections": [{
                    "type": "RDP",
                    "components": ["PSM-RDP", "PSM-RDP-Console", "PSM-DSA"]
                { "type": "SSH", "components": ["PSMP-BadExample"] }
        "ExchangeDomainUser": {
            "replacePsm": "ANOTHER-PSM-ADDRESS",
            "connections": [
                { "type": "RDP", "components": ["PSM-RDP", "PSM-WebECP"] }
        "Fortigate": {
            "color": "#FF0000",
            "connections": [
                { "type": "RDP", "components": ["PSM-FortiWeb"] },
                { "type": "SSH", "components": ["PSMP-SSH"] }
        "WindowsServerLocal": {
            "replaceName": "",
            "replaceRegex": "",
            "namePrefix": "Local - ",
            "namePostfix": "",
            "psmRemoteMachine": 0,
            "entryName": "full",
            "connections": [{ "type": "RDP", "components": ["PSM-RDP"] }]
        "AzureWebAccount": {
            "namePrefix": "Azure - ",
            "webProtocol": "https",
            "webOverwriteUri": "",
            "webInputObject": "input#i0116",
            "connections": [{ "type": "WEB", "components": ["AzureWebsite"] }]

Use AD groups instead of Safes API Query

With the groupBasedMode it is possible to use AD groups instead of PVWA access permissions to find out which safes and accounts the user has access to. The script takes the $env:username from the domain joined windows client where RoyalTS is running and fetched all group memberships of this user from AD. Groups DN's are compared with the groupBasedSafeRegex and if a Group DN matches the first regex match group (1) should match exactly with a safe name in CyberArk.

An expression like

$groupBasedSafeRegex = "CN=.*?CyberArk-(.*)-[M|U],OU=.*"

would match a group DN like: CN=RolegroupsXY-CyberArk-T1_TestApp-M,OU=PAM,OU=Groups,DC=LAB,DC=LOC And the first match group results as: T1_TestApp If there is a safe with name T1_TestApp then the script will create connection entries based on match

RoyalTS recommended settings

Use Putty as Default SSH Plugin is recommended


Use Chrome as Default Web Engine Plugin is recommended


Change Default settings for each created connection in a Dynamic Folder with the Default Settings for Applications:


RDP Settings like Key Passthrough (fetch key combinations e.g. ALT+TAB in the RDP session) will be set on the RDP connection entries based on this default settings



RoyalTS JSON Format and properties:

RoyalTS rJSON objects:

Known limitations

  • SAML auth method for PVWA will not work, apply a groupBasedMode or allAccountsMode
  • MFA auth method like RADIUS with a Challenge (OTP/mTAN) for PVWA will not work (where Non-Challenge like push notification works), apply a groupBasedMode or allAccountsMode
  • Multiple and different connection entries for different connection components in the same Platform cannot be used actually
  • OLAC will not be differentiated from safe ACL to create accessable connections