CSerialPort V4.1.1
CSerialPort v4.1.1.210903
lightweight, cross-platform, and efficient serial port library
- #49 function writeData hanle leak on windows 修复windows下writeData函数句柄泄漏问题
- #42 high cpu usage problem on unix 修复unix上高cpu占用问题
- #41 could not enum all avaiable ports on windows 修复windows下偶尔枚举可用串口不全的问题
- #33 No Gui Application without endless loop crash problem 修复NoGui程序崩溃问题
- #28 VS2015 x64 MFC not work 修复VS2015生成x64程序不能正常运行问题
- use unsigned int instead of int64 使用unsigned int代替int64
- add unix virtual serial port 增加unix虚拟串口工具
- read thread optimization 读取线程优化