Framework combining PyTorch Lightning and Hydra to make it easy to train a network.
You can use the code as-is, by adding your code to the different folders, but it is recommended to use it as a library, which is explained in the usage section.
First, you can install the code using pip :
pip install -e git+
WARNING : don't install this project in your global environment. First create a virtual environment using conda/virtualenv/venv/poetry/pyenv
NOTE : if you need to install a specific version of pytorch, install it before installing this project. The default pytorch version installed in this project doesn't work with the latest Nvidia gpu's (GeForce 3090, A100)
If you're using poetry, you can add the following line to pypoetry.toml
deep_blueprint = { git = "", develop = true}
Or, for pipenv, in the Pipfile
file :
# torch = { version = "==1.11.0+cu113", index = "pytorch" } # If you need to use CUDA v11.3
# torchvision = { version = "==0.12.0+cu113", index = "pytorch" } # If you need to use CUDA v11.3
deep_blueprint = { editable = true, git = "" }
Using poetry :
poetry install
To run a toy example of training on MNIST :
deep_blueprint gpus=1