Openshift and Kubernetes compatible Docker image with connectivity tools(psql, mysql, curl, ssh, telnet, nc, dig, swaks and more)
Based on alpine:edge
CMD and USER set the following to run on Openshift or Kubernetes without providing a command
USER 1001
CMD ["sh", "-c", "tail -f /dev/null"]
When using containers you might want to test the connectivity between the containers. Most of the application containers won't be having tools to keep image size minimum. So you can start a container using this image and test your application.
To run a on Kubernetes:
kubectl run --rm utils -it --restart=Never --image yenigul/dockernettools bash
To run on docker engine
$ docker run --rm -it yenigul/dockernettools bash
- mysql, psql, redis-cli, mongo
- awscli 2.0
- curl, wget, http(httpie), nc, busybox-extras telnet, swaks
- vim, nano
- host, nslookup,dig
- jq, yq
- ssh, sftp
- ip, ping