Tech Test
Provide instructions on how to install and set up your project. Include any dependencies and prerequisites.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd project-directory
npm install
Explain how to use your project once it's set up. Include code examples and usage instructions.
// Example code snippet
const myFunction = () => {
// Your code here
Detail how to set up and configure the database for your project. Include any migration and seeding steps.
# Run database migrations
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
# Seed the database
dotnet run seed
Explain the purpose of the scheduled task and how it works. Include instructions on how to configure and run it.
# Run the scheduled task
dotnet run schedule
Describe the auditing mechanism in your project. Explain how it records timestamps and where the audit logs are stored.
Provide information on how others can contribute to your project. Include guidelines for submitting bug reports or feature requests.