- Functional TestsHAL
- Hardware Abstraction LayerAPI
- Application Programming InterfaceDS
- Device SettingsFPD
- Front Panel DisplayHDMIIn
- HDMI InputCompositeIn
- Composite Input
This repository contains the Unit Test Suites (L1) for the following submodules of Device Settings HAL
Video DeviceHAL
Video PortHAL
Front Panel DisplayHAL
Composite InputHAL
SNo | Document Name | Document Description | Document Link |
1 | Device Settings HAL |
This document provides specific information on each DS sub-module's APIs for which tests are written in this module |
DS HAL Guide - v2.0.0 |
2 | DS Audio L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Audio HAL |
test_l1_dsAudio.c |
3 | DS Video Device L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Video Device HAL |
test_l1_dsVideoDevice.c |
4 | DS Video Port L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Video Port HAL |
test_l1_dsVideoPort.c |
5 | DS Display L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Display HAL |
test_l1_dsDisplay.c |
6 | DS Front Panel Display L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Front Panel Display HAL |
test_l1_dsFPD.c |
7 | DS Host L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Host HAL |
test_l1_dsHost.c |
8 | DS HDMI Input L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS HDMI Input HAL |
test_l1_dsHdmiIn.c |
9 | DS Composite Input L1 Tests |
L1 Test Case File for DS Composite Input HAL |
test_l1_dsCompositeIn.c |
- All APIs in each individual sub-module need to be implemented in this current version. If any API is not supported, please add stub implementation with return type dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED for the same.
- Building against the actual library may introduce SOC dependencies. Hence, a template SKELETON library is created without SOC dependencies. On the real platform (target), it can be mounted, copied and bound with the actual library.
- The configuration/settings file(s) for certain
sub-modules, specific to a platform (templates in DS HAL README.md), should be added in theprofiles/include
directory within the root directory of the DS HAL Test repository.