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This project is made to encourage practicing sports such as volleyball, swimming, push ups, pull ups and so on. Here you will find an implementation of Restful API (Server) & libGdx Android (Client) App.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment notes from below on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Steps to Setup the Server

Deployment can be done on Windows/Linux/Mac OS with these components installed:


To setup the database you first need to install a Postgresql server link. After you've installed it add the bin folder to your Path system variable.Then access command prompt and change your directory to the folder with the db dump.

>cd <path_to_dump>

After you have completed the installation you can login as a postgtres user like so

psql postgres -U postgres

If you have already "motivision" database then run:


Now you can create the database by running the following command


After that try running this command

>psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres motivision

And restore the database with

motivision=# \i cleanDump.sql

If you want to run server as a .jar file from terminal just write:

cd /motivision/api/

Linux/Mac OS:


To run it as a .war read following:


Tutorial (google):

Tutorial (motivision):

Download: Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war Build you own war GO: Build you own war

Steps to Setup the Client

Deployment can be done on Windows/Linux/Mac OS with these components installed:


You can build apk in Android Studio following instruction:

Build your own apk

Apk will be saved in following directory:


To build jar in Android Studio just press on Gradle menu from the right corner and then double click on "dist" gradle task:

Build you own jar

Executable jar will be saved in following directory:

How to use API

List of existing controllers:


Where you will find /get_XXX - then it's a GET method request Request Method in "Test,Item" Controllers is GET Where you will find /delete_XXX - then it's a DELETE method request Other requests has POST method

Team has following requests:


    * Get team info request
    * Used to get team info by teamId
    * @param teamId - id of the team to get data
    * @return if such team exist return Json info about the team
    * @return if no such team exist return Json fail message
    * */


   * Get team members request
   * Used to get a list of all team members
   * @param teamId - team to search characters in
   * @return status - failed if no such team exist
   * @return status - success if request was successful
   * @return teamMembers - null if no teamMembers
   * @return teamMembers - list of all teamMembers
   * */


    *  Create team request
    *  Used to create new team and add default 6 activities to it
    *  @param name - team name
    *  @param logo - team logo
    *  @param battleFrequency - team battleFrequency
    *  @return status failed if team name already exists
    *  @return status failed if somehow default activities are not present
    *  @return status success if team was successfully created
    * */


    * Delete team request
    * Used to delete a team by teamId
    * @param teamId - team for deletion
    * @return status failed if no such team exists
    * @return status success if team was deleted successfully
    * */


     * Update team request
     * Used to update a team by teamId
     * @param teamId - team for updating
     * @param teamLogo - new team logo
     * @param battleFrequency - new battle frequency
     * @param lock - lock or unlock a team
     * @return status failed if no such team exists
     * @return status success if team was deleted successfully
     * */


     * Team exist request
     * Used to check if a team exists by teamName
     * @param teamName - team name for deletion
     * @return status failed if no such team exists
     * @return status succes with teamId and with lock status if team is locked
     * */

Login(Player) has following requests:


     * Login controller
     * Used to login to database with a valid username and password
     * @param login - user login
     * @param password - user password
     * @return Json data
     * */


     * Register player controller
     * Used to register a new player in the database
     * with a unique name
     * @param login - user login to register
     * @param password - user password to register
     * @return status - failed if no data was provided
     * @return status - success and playerId if player was registered
     * */


     * Check if player exist controller
     * Used to check if a player exist in the database
     * @param login - login to check in the database
     * @return message false if player doesn't exist
     * @return message true if player does exist
     * */

Character(Profile) has following requests:


     * Create character request
     * @param playerId - player for which to create character
     * @param teamId - team for the character to be in
     * @param headType - character headType
     * @param bodyType - character bodyType
     * @param gender - character gender
     * @param characterName - character name
     * @param isAdmin - map character as team leader in teamId team
     * @return Json data with status success and newly created characterId
     * @return if everything went well and status failed and message if something
     * @return went wrong
     * */


     * Get character request
     * @param characterId - Id of the required character
     * @return Json data containing status being failed if no
     * @return such character was found in database and being success
     * @return if  character was found
     * @return All info on character:
     * @return characterId, characterName, playerId, teamId,
     * @return isAdmin, headType, bodyType, gender, items
     * @return items - null if character has no items
     * @return items - list where each element contains item
     * @return data if character has items
     * */


     * Delete character request
     * @param characterId - Id of the character for deletion
     * @return status - failed, message - no such character exist if
     * @return no character with characterId was found and
     * @return status - success if character with characterId was successfully deleted
     * */


     * Character exist request
     * @param characterName - name of the character for database search,
     * @return status - success, message - true if character exists
     * @return status - success, message - false if character doesn't exists
     * */


     * Get items request
     * @param characterId - character for items search
     * @return status - failed if no such character exist
     * @return status - success items - null if character
     * @return exists but has no items
     * @return Items list if character exists and has items
     * */


     * Delete item request
     * @param characterId - character to delete an item from
     * @param itemId - item for deletion
     * @return status - failed if no such character exists
     * @return status - failed if the character already doesn't have the Item
     * @return status - success if the item was deleted successfully
     * */


     * Buy item request
     * @param charId - character that buys the item
     * @param itemId - Item to be bought
     * @return status - failed if no such character exist
     * @return status - failed if no such item exist
     * @return if the item was bought then status success and
     * @return character pays points equivalent to item price
     * */


     * Unequip item request
     * @param characterId - character that unequips the item
     * @param itemId - Item to be unequiped
     * @return status - failed if no such character exist
     * @return status - failed if no such item exist
     * */


     * Equip item request
     * @param characterId - character that equips the item
     * @param itemId - Item to be equiped
     * @return status - failed if no such character exist
     * @return status - failed if no such item exist
     * */


     * Get player if such player request
     * @param playerId - player to be found
     * @return status - failed if no such player exist
     * @return status - succes if player found and returns all data
     * */


     * Delete player request
     * Used to delete player and all player characters
     * If a character is team admin then the team will be deleted as well
     * and thus all the characters inside that team
     * @param playerId - Player to delete
     * @return status - failed if the player was not found
     * @return status - success if the player was deleted successfully
     * */


     * Get points request
     * Used to get the points of a character
     * @param characterId - Character to check the amount of points
     * @return status - failed if the character was not found
     * @return status - success if the character has int value of points
     * */

Activities has following requests:


     * Do activity request
     * Used as a points adding system when activity is done
     * @param characterId - character for points adding
     * @param activityId - team activity that the player already did
     * @return status - failed if character not found
     * @return status - failed if activity not found
     * @return status - success if points were assigned successfully
     * */


     * Get activity request
     * Used to get a list of all team activities
     * @param teamId - team to search activities in
     * @return status - failed if no such team exist
     * @return status - success if request was successfull
     * @return teamActivities - null if no activities
     * @return teamActivities - list of all activities
     * */


     * Delete activity request
     * @param activityId - Id of the activity for deletion
     * @param teamId - Id of the team where activity will be deleted
     * @return status - failed if no such team with teamId exist
     * @return status - success if activity with activityId was successfully deleted
     * */


     * Create activity request
     * Used to create a new activity for our team
     * @param teamId - team for new activity creation
     * @param activityName - new activity name
     * @param activityReward - new activity reward
     * @return status - failed if no such team exist
     * @return status success if activity was created
     * */


     * Update activity request
     * Used to update a new activity data for our team
     * @param teamId - team for new activity data updating
     * @param activityId - activity to be updated
     * @param activityReward - reward for updated activity
     * @return status - failed if no such team exist
     * @return status success if activity was updated
     * */

Test has following request:


     * Test request
     * Used to ping connection
     * @return status - success if got connection
     * */

Item has following requests:


    * Get item request
    * Used to get an item by itemId
    * @param itemId - item to get
    * @return status - failed if the item was not found
    * @return status - success and itemPrice if the item was found
    * */


    * Get item price request
    * Used to get items price for shop
    * @return status - success and items array
    * @return itemId and itemPrice
    * */


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