Event-planer-front is the front-end part of an aplication that allows creating, organizing and attending Events.
To get it started could be used IntelliJ IDE (2019.1.3 version). Also should be installed node-v10.16.0., and React JS framework.
Clone the project from git, using git clone https://github.com/isd-soft/event-planner-front.git comand
- To run the application open it in IntelliJ IDE. Following Intellij instructions, install npm.
- Start it by using "npm start" command in console, and wait until the project starts in browser.
If it is the first time when you start the application, it will be need to create a user. For this you could click on "Register here,if you are not signed up." link. In the page that it is displayed, you could create a new user. In casse that the user is created successfully, it will be displyed a notification, and you will be redirected on the sign in page. If you have already an user, you could enter valid credentials(username and password) in the filds that a displayed,after which you will be redirected on the "Dash Board" page.
In this page you can see all created events. By clicking on the title of the event, you will be able to see event details, participating status of users (coming, not coming, or maybe), and also you could choose yours.
Here you can update you profile data
This page is intended for new events creation. Filds that are marked wit an asterics, are required to be completed.
This page displays all the events thet were created by you. By clicking on the title of the event, the details will be displayed. Also you will be able to "Edit" or "Delete" this event.