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timronan edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the StationXML-Validation wiki!


The IRIS StationXML Validator is a Java library and related command-line tool for validating FDSN StationXML documents. The purpose is ensure that the metadata is complete and formatted sufficiently for acceptance at the IRIS DMC.

Downloading releases

Releases of the StationXML Validator can be downloaded from the project release page:

The compiled .jar may be used immediately.

If you wish to compile you can download the source code and follow the instructions below.

Using the Validator

The Validator's jar runs in both Java 8 or 11 enviroments. A usage message will be printed if the stationxml-validator is run with no arguments are supplied:

java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar

The Validator contains arguments that output messages to help users understand its function. The Validator's --help argument prints out a list of all of the available validator arguments.

java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar --help

The rules argument prints the list of rules that the validator uses to check metadata integrety.

java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar --rules

The units argument prints a table of SI units names that are acceptable in stationXML metadata.

 java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar --units

To validate stationXML metadata, provide the path and name of a stationXML formatted document as an argument.

java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.xml

The input argument may be prepended before the path.

 java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar --input IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.xml

The Validator accepts dataless SEED metadata and directories in addation to stationXML. If dataless files are provided, the Validator automatically converters these files to stationXML and performs validation. If a directory is provided as an argument, the Validator will loop through it's contents and validate both stationXML and dataless files.

java -jar station-xml-validator-1.7.0.jar IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.dataless
java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar /path/to/metadata

Output are printed to System.out by default. Use an stdout and stderr redirect to ouput Validator messages to a file.

java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar /path/to/metadata &> /path/for/output.txt

Additional arguments may be provided to the Validator including: --verbose which provides additional output messages to the user, and continue-on-error which forces the validator to continue if an exception is encountered. The --verbose flag is only effective if stderr is redirected into stdinfo. continue-on-error is only useful when validating directories.

java -jar stationxml-validator-1.7.0.jar /path/to/metadata --verbose --continue-on-error &> /path/for/output.txt

Users interested in generating stationXML formatted metadata from dataless SEED files should refer to the stationxml-seed-converter.

Validation tests

The validator performs a number of tests starting with validation of the StationXML schema followed by a number of other tests to ensure completeness sufficient for long-term archiving. All tests with descriptions are listed on the wiki pages:

Validation tests

Convention for Units

The Validator includes a rule to check the unit names specified in StationXML metadata. The guidelines for unit names and the list of accepted names are available on the page below:

Unit name overview for IRIS StationXML validator

Building the command line validator from source

To build the stationXML-validator from source code you will need a working instance of the Java Development Kit (JDK 1.8) and Apache Maven. The validator can be built using these steps:

  1. Download source code and untar/unzip, either a release or clone the repository
  2. Change to the created StationXML-Validator- directory
  3. mvn clean install

The resulting jar is under the target directory, e.g. stationxml-validtor-.jar