Materials for the IRE & NICAR mini-bootcamp on using R for data analysis, Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2023.
Goals: See some examples of what R can do, get familiar with RStudio, learn how to set up a project and run code, learn how the tidyverse packages work.
Story Examples:
- Introduction to R and RStudio (best to download this and open it in a browser)
Reference Scripts:
Goals: Wrangle that data! We’ll import a csv and an excel file, and walk through the fundamentals: sorting, filtering, grouping, summarizing.
Reference Scripts:
Goals: Joining. Learn how to work with multiple tables. Reinforce main analysis functions from Day 2.
Reference Scripts:
Goals: Make tidy data! We often get data that is messy, dirty, misshapen, missing values, etc. We’ll cover best practices and helpful functions for cleaning data.
Reference Scripts: