SGM Generasi Maju New Version Bypass Anunya
Fiture Tools SGM Version 2.1
- Registrasi account
- Auto update profile
- Auto add data children ( Data Anak )
- Claim Reward
- Checking Reward & Stock
- Sumbit Code Unik
Editing file data_login.txt input your account
Editing file config.json
- Change Licensikey
- Change Refferal code
- Change Password Register
- Change Number Claim
- Change Number id Voucher
Please read file note.txt
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The script runs with the license key, if you don't have a license key then you can't run it, to get a license key you have to ask the creator for its activation for a donation of course, This script blocks multiple user logins so that the script remains safe and secure.
Regards, Iddant ID