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iota-crypto v0.23.2

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Updating index
Locking 179 packages to latest compatible versions
Adding base64 v0.21.7 (latest: v0.22.1)
Adding bech32 v0.9.1 (latest: v0.11.0)
Adding dashmap v5.5.3 (latest: v6.0.1)
Adding fluent-langneg v0.13.0 (latest: v0.14.1)
Adding generic-array v0.14.7 (latest: v1.1.0)
Adding i18n-embed v0.14.1 (latest: v0.15.0)
Adding i18n-embed-fl v0.7.0 (latest: v0.9.1)
Adding iterator-sorted v0.1.0 (latest: v0.2.0)
Adding rustc-hash v1.1.0 (latest: v2.0.0)
Adding self_cell v0.10.3 (latest: v1.0.4)
Adding strsim v0.10.0 (latest: v0.11.1)
Adding syn v1.0.109 (latest: v2.0.74)
Adding toml v0.5.11 (latest: v0.8.19)
Adding wasi v0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 (latest: v0.13.2+wasi-0.2.1)

Cargo Audit

Fetching advisory database from
Loaded 646 security advisories (from /home/runner/.cargo/advisory-db)
Updating index
Scanning Cargo.lock for vulnerabilities (179 crate dependencies)


  • d8fb4ed (#225) Bump dependencies to fix vulnerability from cargo audit (curve25519-dalek: 3.2 -> 4.1.3, x25519-dalek: 1.1 -> 2.0.1, age: 0.9 -> 0.10).

Cargo Publish

Updating index
Packaging iota-crypto v0.23.2 (/home/runner/work/
warning: ignoring test aead as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test aes_kw as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test batched_curlp as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test bip39 as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test bip44 as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test blake2b as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test curl_p as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ed25519 as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test hmac as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test keccak as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test kerl as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test pbkdf2 as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test secp256k1_ecdsa as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test sha as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test slip10 as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_b1t6 as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_buf as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_convert as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_serde as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_slice as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_trit as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test ternary_tryte as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test utils as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test wots as tests/ is not included in the published package
warning: ignoring test x25519 as tests/ is not included in the published package
Packaged 86 files, 490.2KiB (102.9KiB compressed)
Uploading iota-crypto v0.23.2 (/home/runner/work/
Uploaded iota-crypto v0.23.2 to registry crates-io
note: waiting for iota-crypto v0.23.2 to be available at registry crates-io.
You may press ctrl-c to skip waiting; the crate should be available shortly.
Published iota-crypto v0.23.2 at registry crates-io