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ARM Gazebo

This package contains files for Gazebo simulation for RoboCup ARM challenge.


Note: Skip this section if you downloaded the ARM Gazebo Virtual Machine.

  • Install docker engine (not docker Desktop!!!) (tested on v. 19.03, 20.10)

    Usually, this should work

      sudo apt install

    or install from binaries

    See also Post-installation steps for Linux. In particular, add your user to the docker group and log out and in again, before proceeding.

      sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • Install docker-compose (tested on v. 1.28)

    First remove any other docker-compose file, if present (check with which docker-compose)

    Download binay file for v. 1.28.5

      cd /usr/local/bin
      sudo wget
      sudo mv docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 docker-compose
      sudo chmod a+x docker-compose
      docker-compose -v
  • Nvidia driver

    Install nvidia-docker2

    NVidia Container Toolkit

  • Additional Tools

      sudo apt install gawk


Note: Skip this section if you downloaded the ARM Gazebo Virtual Machine.

Build docker image

cd docker


cd docker
./run.bash [x11|nvidia|vnc]

x11 default mode uses X11 server, nvidia if you have NVidia graphic card and you installed nvidia-docker, vnc if you have problems with other modes uses a virtual xserver accessible through a web browser at http://localhost:3000/

Note: if you are using the ARM Gazebo Virtual Machine, run in standard mode ./run.bash

Explanation of the startup procedure

The script run.bash use docker-compose to start the docker containers with the configuration given in the files docker/dc_<*>.yml

To see the running docker containers, use the command

docker ps

The container armgazebo is the one that is running the ARM gazebo simulation

The container is running a tmux session. You can attach to this session with the following command

docker exec -it armgazebo tmux a

The container initialize the gazebo simulation by running the script bin/init_sim.bash. In this script you can find the commands sent to the tmux server, in particular the following windows are created: 0) gazebo simulator, 1) moveit, 2) rviz (command prepared but not launched), 3) scripts to spawn objects.

Note: you can create additional tmux windows with CTRL-b c. You can detach from tmux with CTRL-b d

Configure and spawn objects

Create a config file in config folder with objects described in this format

<object_name> <type> <x> <y> <z> <yaw> <pitch> <roll>

Spawn objects from the docker container

First enter the docker container

docker exec -it armgazebo tmux a

Then, issue the follwoing commands to manage objects in gazebo simulator

cd ~/src/arm_gazebo/scripts
python -a <object config file>

For example:

python -a ../config/ARM1.txt

You can add more config files in the config folder

To reset a world, you can use the script

./reset_world.bash <object config file>

This script will first delete all the objects according to the patterns in file config/ARMd.txt and then spawn the new objects in the specified config file.

For example, this command will reset the world with the configuration ARM1.txt

./reset_world.bash ../config/ARM1.txt

For other interactions with gazebo objects, see a list of options with

python -h

-h	help
-l	list objects
-m	list available models
-a <obj> <type> <x> <y> <z> <yaw> <pitch> <roll>|<filename>	add an object or all objects in config file
-d <obj>|<filename>	delete one object or all objects in config file
-w	world properties
-s <obj>	object properties and state

Rviz visualization

From the docker container

docker exec -it armgazebo tmux a

you can create a new tmux windows with CTRL-b c and then run

cd ~/src/arm_gazebo/config
rosrun rviz rviz -d robot_camera.rviz

You can detach from tmux with CTRL-b d


  • In case of errors due to existing containers, use this command to clean them

      docker container prune -f