Examples of use of RL agents for different games.
You can select a game, a RL algorithm and the training file. Learning mode will train the agent, evaluation mode (with option --eval
) will execute the current best policy.
The code requires Python 2.7.
To install the requirements:
python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: game.py [-h] [-maxVfu MAXVFU] [-gamma GAMMA] [-epsilon EPSILON]
[-alpha ALPHA] [-niter NITER] [-rows ROWS] [-cols COLS]
[--enableRA] [--debug] [--gui] [--sound] [--eval]
game agent trainfile
RL games
positional arguments:
game game (e.g., Breakout)
agent agent [Q, Sarsa, MC]
trainfile file for learning strctures
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-rows ROWS number of rows [default: 3]
-cols COLS number of columns [default: 3]
-gamma GAMMA discount factor [default: 1.0]
-epsilon EPSILON epsilon greedy factor [default: -1 = adaptive]
-alpha ALPHA alpha factor (-1 = based on visits) [default: 0.5]
-nstep NSTEP n-steps updates [default: 0]
-niter NITER stop after number of iterations [default: -1 = infinite]
--debug debug flag
--gui GUI shown at start [default: hidden]
--sound Sound enabled
--eval Evaluate best policy
Game: SimpleGrid 5x5 RL algorithm: Q-learning
python game.py SimpleGrid Q simplegrid55_Q_01 -rows 5 -cols 5 -gamma 0.9
Game: SimpleGrid 7x5 RL algorithm: Sarsa
python game.py SimpleGrid Sarsa simplegrid75_Sarsa_01 -rows 7 -cols 5 -gamma 0.9
Game: SimpleGrid 9x9 RL algorithm: Sarsa with n-steps updates
python game.py SimpleGrid Sarsa simplegrid99_Sarsa_n10_01 -rows 9 -cols 9 -gamma 0.9 -nstep 10
Game: BreakoutN (normal states) 3x3 RL algorithm: MC
python game.py BreakoutN MC breakoutN33_MC_01 -rows 3 -cols 3
Game: BreakoutN (normal states) 3x4 RL algorithm: Sarsa with n-step updates
python game.py BreakoutN Sarsa breakoutS34_S_n100_e01_01 -rows 3 -cols 4 -nstep 100 -epsilon 0.1
Game: BreakoutS (simplified states) 3x4 RL algorithm: MC
python game.py BreakoutS MC breakoutS34_MC_01 -rows 3 -cols 4
You can stop the process at any time are resume it later. If you want to execute another experiment, just change the training filename.
To evaluate the current best policy, use the same command line adding --gui --eval
python game.py BreakoutS MC breakoutS34_MC_01 -rows 3 -cols 4 --gui --eval
python plotresults.py <trainfile>
python plotresults.py breakoutS34_MC_01