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Supported Files

Beat Strasser edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 1 revision

Version Tiger supports the following file types for looking at and updating version numbers:

Maven projects: pom.xml

Each project is currently required to have a pom.xml file. The Version Tiger may update the project and the parent version and also considers the dependencies and dependencyManagement section.

If a maven project inherits its version from the parent, the Version Tiger won't ever update the project version but it will update the parent dependency (and the version in Manifest.MF, etc...) if you re-version the parent project.

In the command line tool there is a command for updating maven properties. The Version Tiger can't detect versions but it will just update the properties as you define in the command.

You may define a property versionTigerFiles in order to register more files that contain version numbers. Currently, we only support the Apache Karaf feature files. The property takes a comma separated list of files prefixed with its file type (e.g. karaf:), e.g.:

    <versionTigerFiles>karaf:subFolder/feature.xml, karaf:feature.xml</versionTigerFiles>

Tycho projects (eclipse-plugin): MANIFEST.MF

If the maven packaging type is eclipse-plugin, Version Tiger will also update the MANIFEST.MF file. It updates Bundle-Version, Require-Bundle and Fragment-Host headers.

Tycho projects (eclipse-feature): feature.xml

For the maven packaging type eclipse-feature, Version Tiger can update its own feature version and update dependencies in plugins and includes.

Tycho projects (eclipse-repository): *.product, category.xml

For the eclipse-repository packaging type, Version Tiger will look at all .product files in the root and updates the maven project and the feature and plugins dependencies. The category.xml file is also supported for updating feature dependencies.

Tycho projects (eclipse-application): projectid.product

In the obsolete packaging type eclipse-application, the product file must correspond to the project id. The Version Tiger supports updating the product version and product feature dependencies.

Tycho projects (eclipse-updatesite): site.xml

Version Tiger supports updating site features in the site.xml file for the packaging type eclipse-updatesite.

Karaf Feature files: feature.xml

The Version Tiger can also update maven dependencies in feature files from Apache Karaf. (for any bundle which uses the mvn: prefix).

As there is no convention for the feature.xml location in a project, you'll have to register the file using the prefix karaf: in the maven project. See above in Maven Projects how to register additional files.