GoLang Ansible Inventory Module for OpenStack aim to provide Ansible users a simple way to generate dynamic inventory file of OpenStack Cloud resources, based on hosts Metadata.
To run the application do the following steps:
git clone [email protected]:gitops/golang/ansible-openstack.git
cd ansible-openstack
go build -o ansible-openstak
this will generate a bin file of this application.
Copy the ansible-openstack bin into the root of your ansible project.
To connect to an OpenStack instance, two more files are required in the Ansible project root:
- clouds.yaml (alredy provided)
- secure.yaml (need to be created manually)
# clouds.yaml
os_domain_name: "v2.0"
username: "this sould be overwritten"
password: "This should be overwritten"
project_name: "[email protected]"
auth_url: https://api.it-mil1.entercloudsuite.com/v2.0
- it-mil1
Customize it following your needs.
username: "<Your username>"
password: "<Your password>"
project_name: "<Your target Project name>"
auth_type: "password"
Customize it following your needs.
sudo ansible-openstack [tag list]
to run the application with default parameters and generate a default inventory in hosts/inventory.ini
It will also update your local /etc/hosts file with the public ips and host names retrived from cloud, to allow you to quick reach the hosts with Ansible.
To obtain more informations about usage, run:
./ansible-openstack -h
This will produce the following help screen:
Usage of /tmp/go-build2450958836/b001/exe/ansible-openstack:
-domain string
Specify domain name for the hosts (default ".it-mil1.ecs.compute.internal")
-filename string
Specify inventory output filename (default "inventory.ini")
-main-group string
Specify the main group file contained in the inventory file. Use always <name>:children form, otherwise it will break the code! (default "staging:children")
-output string
Specify output path for inventory.ini file (default "./hosts")
Tell the app to reboot groups instances.