This vue component packages an interactive web based exercise about visually retracing the backpropagation steps performed when training neural nets. See a live demo.
npm install --save vue-backpropagation-exercise
Add the component to your Vue project (this assumes typescript is used):
import VueBackpropagationExercise, {
} from "vue-backpropagation-exercise";
components: {
export default class App extends Vue {}
Use props to configure the component
For an example configuration, see src/App.vue
To set up:
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development:
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production:
npm run build
Run your unit tests:
npm run test:unit
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Tagged commits to the master branch are automatically published to NPM. You can tag a commit using the npm
npm version patch -m "Bump the version number"
git push origin master --follow-tags