모음(Moeum, 모션인식 음악생성 어플리케이션)
Motion Recognition Music Creation Application
A service that creates a series of codes using motion recognition and generates code-based songs with AI 👉
It enhances children's musical literacy, creates music through motion, and inspires interest in it, thereby bringing them closer to the music. You can also share songs you have made with others and enjoy the service, download them, keep them, or send them to others.
- You can listen to the music created by users by arranging them by instrument.
- Music is listed in two order of popularity and random.
- You can listen to the music made by yourself.
- Choose the number of bars(= length of the music), tempos(bpm), atmosphere, and instrument.
- Detects pose with the camera and music bubble pops with your hands.
- When you pop the music bubble, the corresponding code is played and stored in the score.
- Music bubbles are recommended based on pre-setting.
- If you fill in the set number of bars, you can make a song through magenta.
- Pose detection is based on pose landmarker.
- You can edit profile or logout and check opensource license.