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Pure Clojure library for interacting with Twilio's REST API
This library can be used with the http client of your choice, or using the built-in http-kit integration.
(require '(twijio.http :refer [twilio-request!])
(twijio.api :refer [send-message]))
(def config
{:twilio-account "your-twilio-account-sid"
:twilio-token "tour-twilio-token"})
(twilio/send-message config {:to "+15555555555" :from "+12345678901" :body "Hello World!"})
Tests employ Twilio (test credentials)[https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/test-credentials]. Use your own test credentials in order to run the tests.
lein test
Make a PR! Go for it. You know you want to.
Copyright © 2016 OpenTable
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.