NOTE: These resources are in a draft state, and should be used for reference only.
Examples for how to use the Flink Docker images in a variety of ways.
Use the Docker Compose config in this repo to create a local Flink cluster.
See the docs for information on its usage.
Build the Helm archive:
$ helm package helm/flink/
Deploy a non-HA Flink cluster with a single taskmanager:
$ helm install --name my-cluster flink*.tgz
Deploy a non-HA Flink cluster with three taskmanagers:
$ helm install --name my-cluster --set flink.num_taskmanagers=3 flink*.tgz
Deploy an HA Flink cluster with three taskmanagers:
$ cat > values.yaml <<EOF
num_taskmanagers: 3
enabled: true
zookeeper_quorum: <zookeeper quorum string>
state_s3_bucket: <s3 bucket>
aws_access_key_id: <aws access key>
aws_secret_access_key: <aws secret key>
$ helm install --name my-cluster --values values.yaml flink*.tgz