1357 offset #306
GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Summary
Dec 3, 2024 in 0s
1 fail, 88 skipped, 251 pass in 1m 4s
Check warning on line 0 in tables_efficacy_ratet01
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
tables_efficacy_ratet01.qmd_result_v1_development (tables_efficacy_ratet01) failed
tlg.catalog.pkg.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Snapshot of code has changed (variant 'development'): ('test-tables-efficacy-ratet01.R:1:1')
Snapshot of code has changed (variant 'development'):
old vs new
- B: Placebo A: Drug X C: Combination
+ B: Placebo A: Drug X C: Combination
- (N=134) (N=134) (N=132)
+ (N=134) (N=134) (N=132)
- ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
+ —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- Number of exacerbations per patient
+ Number of exacerbations per patient
- 0 10 (7.46%) 6 (4.48%) 11 (8.33%)
+ 0 10 (7.46%) 6 (4.48%) 11 (8.33%)
- 1 25 (18.66%) 21 (15.67%) 14 (10.61%)
+ 1 25 (18.66%) 21 (15.67%) 14 (10.61%)
- 2 38 (28.36%) 41 (30.60%) 33 (25.00%)
+ 2 38 (28.36%) 41 (30.60%) 33 (25.00%)
- 3 22 (16.42%) 26 (19.40%) 21 (15.91%)
+ 3 22 (16.42%) 26 (19.40%) 21 (15.91%)
- 4 13 (9.70%) 18 (13.43%) 30 (22.73%)
+ 4 13 (9.70%) 18 (13.43%) 30 (22.73%)
- 5 11 (8.21%) 10 (7.46%) 12 (9.09%)
+ 5 11 (8.21%) 10 (7.46%) 12 (9.09%)
- 6 10 (7.46%) 7 (5.22%) 7 (5.30%)
+ 6 10 (7.46%) 7 (5.22%) 7 (5.30%)
- 7 3 (2.24%) 4 (2.99%) 3 (2.27%)
+ 7 3 (2.24%) 4 (2.99%) 3 (2.27%)
- 8 1 (0.75%) 1 (0.75%) 1 (0.76%)
+ 8 1 (0.75%) 1 (0.75%) 1 (0.76%)
- 9 1 (0.75%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
+ 9 1 (0.75%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
- Unadjusted exacerbation rate (per year)
+ Unadjusted exacerbation rate (per year)
- Rate 7.2364 8.2148 9.8131
+ Rate 7.2364 8.2148 9.8131
- Adjusted (QP) exacerbation rate (per year)
+ Adjusted (QP) exacerbation rate (per year)
- Rate 2.4550 2.8514 3.4304
+ Rate 2.4550 2.8514 3.4304
- Rate CI (1.6194, 3.7219) (1.8974, 4.2850) (2.2946, 5.1284)
+ Rate CI (1.6194, 3.7219) (1.8974, 4.2850) (2.2946, 5.1284)
- Rate Ratio 1.1615 1.3973
+ Rate Ratio 1.1615 1.3973
- Rate Ratio CI (0.6462, 2.0877) (0.7789, 2.5067)
+ Rate Ratio CI (0.6462, 2.0877) (0.7789, 2.5067)
- p-value 0.6169 0.2619
+ p-value 0.6169 0.2619
- Adjusted (NB) exacerbation rate (per year)
+ Adjusted (NB) exacerbation rate (per year)
- Rate 2.7374 2.8150 2.9789
+ Rate 18.4450 28.0582 23.9304
- Rate CI (2.3932, 3.1311) (2.4681, 3.2106) (2.6152, 3.3932)
+ Rate CI (13.9015, 24.4736) (21.3288, 36.9108) (18.1382, 31.5722)
- Rate Ratio 1.0283 1.0882
+ Rate Ratio 1.5212 1.2974
- Rate Ratio CI (0.8856, 1.1941) (0.9381, 1.2624)
+ Rate Ratio CI (1.1166, 2.0724) (0.9505, 1.7708)
- p-value 0.7140 0.2643
+ p-value 0.0078 0.1009
* Run `testthat::snapshot_accept('development/tables-efficacy-ratet01')` to accept the change.
* Run `testthat::snapshot_review('development/tables-efficacy-ratet01')` to interactively review the change.