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Bookmarking info (#1184)
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gogonzo authored Mar 28, 2024
1 parent d4a2b4d commit 9edf512
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Showing 12 changed files with 255 additions and 303 deletions.
235 changes: 91 additions & 144 deletions R/module_bookmark_manager.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,201 +1,148 @@
#' App state management.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Capture and restore the global (app) input state.
#' @details
#' This module introduces bookmarks into `teal` apps: the `shiny` bookmarking mechanism becomes enabled
#' and server-side bookmarks can be created.
#' The bookmark manager is accessed with the bookmark icon in the [`wunder_bar`].
#' The manager's header contains a title and a bookmark icon. Clicking the icon creates a bookmark.
#' As bookmarks are added, they will show up as rows in a table, each being a link that, when clicked,
#' will open the bookmarked application in a new window.
#' The bookmark manager presents a button with the bookmark icon and is placed in the [`wunder_bar`].
#' When clicked, the button creates a bookmark and opens a modal which displays the bookmark URL.
#' `teal` does not guarantee that all modules (`teal_module` objects) are bookmarkable.
#' Those that are, have a `teal_bookmarkable` attribute set to `TRUE`. If any modules are not bookmarkable,
#' the bookmark manager modal displays a warning and the bookmark button displays a flag.
#' In order to communicate that a external module is bookmarkable, the module developer
#' should set the `teal_bookmarkable` attribute to `TRUE`.
#' @section Server logic:
#' A bookmark is a URL that contains the app address with a `/?_state_id_=<bookmark_dir>` suffix.
#' `<bookmark_dir>` is a directory created on the server, where the state of the application is saved.
#' Accessing the bookmark URL opens a new session of the app that starts in the previously saved state.
#' Bookmarks are stored in a `reactiveVal` as a named list.
#' For every bookmark created a piece of HTML is created that contains a link,
#' whose text is the name of the bookmark and whose href is the bookmark URL.
#' @section Bookmark mechanics:
#' When a bookmark is added, the user is prompted to name it.
#' New bookmark names are validated so that thy are unique. Leading and trailing white space is trimmed.
#' Once a bookmark name has been accepted, the app state is saved: values of all inputs,
#' which are kept in the `input` slot of the `session` object, are dumped into the `input.rds` file
#' in the `<bookmark_dir>` directory on the server.
#' This is out of the box behavior that permeates the entire app, no adjustments to modules are necessary.
#' An additional `onBookmark` callback dumps the previous bookmark history to the `values.rds` file in `<bookmark_dir>`.
#' Finally, an `onBookmarked` callback adds the newly created bookmark to the bookmark history.
#' Notably, this occurs _after_ creating the bookmark is concluded so the bookmark history that was stored
#' does not include the newly added bookmark.
#' When starting the app from a bookmark, `shiny` recognizes that the app is being restored,
#' locates the bookmark directory and loads both `.rds` file.
#' Values stored in `input.rds` are automatically set to their corresponding inputs.
#' Finally, bookmark history is loaded from `values.rds` and set to the module's `reactiveVal`.
#' @section Note:
#' All `teal` apps are inherently bookmarkable. Normal `shiny` apps require that `enableBookmarking` be set to "server",
#' either by setting an argument in a `shinyApp` call or by calling a special function. In `teal` bookmarks are enabled
#' by automatically setting an option when the package is loaded.
#' `shinyOptions("bookmarkStore" = "server")` is set in `teal` by default on package load.
#' Using the `url` option is not supported.
#' If the option is set to a different value by the app developer, the bookmark manager will forbid creating bookmarks.
#' @inheritParams module_wunder_bar
#' @param id (`character(1)`) `shiny` module instance id.
#' @return Invisible `NULL`.
#' @return `reactiveVal` containing a named list of bookmark URLs.
#' @name module_bookmark_manager
#' @aliases bookmark bookmark_manager bookmark_manager_module

#' @rdname module_bookmark_manager
#' @keywords internal
bookmark_manager_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
class = "manager_content",
class = "manager_table_row",
span(tags$b("Bookmark manager")),
actionLink(ns("bookmark_add"), NULL, icon = suppressMessages(icon("solid fa-bookmark")), title = "add bookmark"),
id = ns("do_bookmark"),
class = "btn action-button wunder_bar_button bookmark_manager_button",
title = "Add bookmark",
suppressMessages(icon("solid fa-bookmark")),
uiOutput(ns("warning_badge"), inline = TRUE)

#' @rdname module_bookmark_manager
#' @keywords internal
bookmark_manager_srv <- function(id) {
bookmark_manager_srv <- function(id, modules) {

checkmate::assert_class(modules, "teal_modules")
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv initializing")

# Enforce server-side bookmarking ----
ns <- session$ns
bookmark_option <- getShinyOption("bookmarkStore", "disabled")
if (bookmark_option != "server") {
output$bookmark_list <- renderUI({
class = "manager_placeholder",
sprintf("Bookmarking has been set to \"%s\".", bookmark_option), tags$br(),
"Only server-side bookmarking is supported.", tags$br(),
"Please contact your app developer."
is_unbookmarkable <- rapply(
how = "unlist"
# Render bookmark warnings count
output$warning_badge <- renderUI({
if (!identical(bookmark_option, "server")) {
} else if (any(is_unbookmarkable)) {
class = "badge-warning badge-count text-white bg-danger"

# Set up bookmarking callbacks ----
# Register bookmark exclusions: all buttons and the `textInput` for bookmark name.
setBookmarkExclude(c("bookmark_add", "bookmark_accept", "bookmark_name"))
# Add bookmark history to bookmark.
session$onBookmark(function(state) {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv@onBookmark: storing bookmark history")
state$values$bookmark_history <- bookmark_history() # isolate this?
# Register bookmark exclusions: do_bookmark button to avoid re-bookmarking
# This bookmark can only be used on the app session.
app_session <- .subset2(shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain(), "parent")
app_session$onBookmarked(function(url) {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv@onBookmarked: bookmark button clicked, registering bookmark")
bookmark_name <- trimws(input$bookmark_name)
if (identical(bookmark_name, "")) {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv@onBookmarked: bookmark name rejected")
"Please name the bookmark.",
type = "message"
modal_content <- if (bookmark_option != "server") {
msg <- sprintf(
"Bookmarking has been set to \"%s\".\n%s\n%s",
"Only server-side bookmarking is supported.",
"Please contact your app developer."
updateTextInput(inputId = "bookmark_name", value = "", placeholder = "Meaningful, unique name")
unlink(strsplit(url, "_state_id_=")[[1L]][[2L]], recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE, expand = FALSE)
} else if (is.element(make.names(bookmark_name), make.names(names(bookmark_history())))) {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv@onBookmarked: bookmark name rejected")
"This name is in conflict with other bookmark names. Please choose a different one.",
type = "message"
tags$p(msg, class = "text-warning")
updateTextInput(inputId = "bookmark_name", value = "", placeholder = "Meaningful, unique name")
unlink(strsplit(url, "_state_id_=")[[1L]][[2L]], recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE, expand = FALSE)
} else {
# Add bookmark URL to bookmark history (with name).
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv@onBookmarked: bookmark name accepted, adding to history")
bookmark_update <- c(bookmark_history(), list(url))
names(bookmark_update)[length(bookmark_update)] <- bookmark_name

if (any(is_unbookmarkable)) {
bkmb_summary <- rapply(
function(x) {
if (isTRUE(x)) {
"\u2705" # check mark
} else if (isFALSE(x)) {
"\u274C" # cross mark
} else {
"\u2753" # question mark
how = "replace"
icon("fas fa-exclamation-triangle"),
"Some modules will not be restored when using this bookmark.",
"Check the list below to see which modules are not bookmarkable.",
class = "text-warning"

ns <- session$ns

# Track input states ----
bookmark_history <- reactiveVal({
# Restore directly from bookmarked state, if applicable.
restoreValue(ns("bookmark_history"), list())

# Bookmark current input state - name bookmark. ----
observeEvent(input$bookmark_add, {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv: bookmark_add button clicked")
textInput(ns("bookmark_name"), "Name the bookmark", width = "100%", placeholder = "Meaningful, unique name"),
footer = tagList(
actionButton(ns("bookmark_accept"), label = "Accept", icon = icon("thumbs-up")),
modalButton(label = "Cancel", icon = icon("thumbs-down"))
size = "s"
title = "Bookmarked teal app url",
easyClose = TRUE

# Initiate bookmarking with normal action button b/c `bookmarkButton` may not work on Windows.
observeEvent(input$bookmark_accept, {

# Create UI elements and server logic for the bookmark table ----
# Divs are tracked for a slight speed margin.
divs <- reactiveValues()

observeEvent(bookmark_history(), {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv: bookmark history changed, updating bookmark list")
lapply(names(bookmark_history()), function(s) {
id_rowme <- sprintf("rowme_%s", make.names(s))

# Create a row for the bookmark table.
if (!is.element(id_rowme, names(divs))) {
divs[[id_rowme]] <- div(
class = "manager_table_row",
a(h5(s), title = "go to bookmark", href = bookmark_history()[[s]], target = "blank")

# Create table to display list of bookmarks and their actions ----
output$bookmark_list <- renderUI({
rows <- rev(reactiveValuesToList(divs))
if (length(rows) == 0L) {
class = "manager_placeholder",
"Bookmarks will appear here."
} else {
# manually trigger bookmarking because of the problems reported on windows with bookmarkButton in teal
observeEvent(input$do_bookmark, {
logger::log_trace("bookmark_manager_srv@1 do_bookmark module clicked.")


Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/module_tabs_with_filters.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ srv_tabs_with_filters <- function(id,
logger::log_trace("srv_tabs_with_filters initializing the module.")

is_module_specific <- isTRUE(attr(filter, "module_specific"))
wunder_bar_out <- wunder_bar_srv("wunder_bar", datasets, filter)
wunder_bar_out <- wunder_bar_srv("wunder_bar", datasets, filter, modules)

active_module <- srv_nested_tabs(
id = "root",
Expand Down
31 changes: 8 additions & 23 deletions R/module_wunder_bar.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,17 +13,17 @@
#' @name module_wunder_bar
#' @aliases wunder_bar wunder_bar_module
#' @param id (`character(1)`) `shiny` module instance id.
#' @inheritParams module_filter_manager
#' @inheritParams module_tabs_with_filters
#' @return Nothing is returned.

#' @rdname module_wunder_bar
#' @keywords internal
wunder_bar_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
rev( # Reversing order because buttons show up in UI from right to left.
title = "",
id = ns("show_filter_manager"),
class = "btn action-button wunder_bar_button",
Expand All @@ -36,19 +36,14 @@ wunder_bar_ui <- function(id) {
title = "Manage filter state snapshots",
id = ns("show_bookmark_manager"),
class = "btn action-button wunder_bar_button",
title = "Manage bookmarks",
suppressMessages(icon("solid fa-bookmark"))

#' @rdname module_wunder_bar
#' @keywords internal
wunder_bar_srv <- function(id, datasets, filter) {
wunder_bar_srv <- function(id, datasets, filter, modules) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
logger::log_trace("wunder_bar_srv initializing")

Expand All @@ -61,6 +56,7 @@ wunder_bar_srv <- function(id, datasets, filter) {
class = "filter_manager_modal",
size = "l",
footer = NULL,
easyClose = TRUE
Expand All @@ -73,18 +69,7 @@ wunder_bar_srv <- function(id, datasets, filter) {
size = "m",
footer = NULL,
easyClose = TRUE

observeEvent(input$show_bookmark_manager, {
logger::log_trace("wunder_bar_srv@1 show_bookmark_manager button has been clicked.")
class = "snapshot_manager_modal",
size = "m",
footer = NULL,
easyClose = TRUE
Expand All @@ -103,6 +88,6 @@ wunder_bar_srv <- function(id, datasets, filter) {
mapping_matrix = filter_manager_results$mapping_matrix,
datasets = filter_manager_results$datasets_flat
bookmark_history <- bookmark_manager_srv(id = "bookmark_manager")
bookmark_manager_srv(id = "bookmark_manager", modules = modules)

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