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🗃️ decorators feature branch #507

🗃️ decorators feature branch

🗃️ decorators feature branch #507

GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Summary failed Nov 28, 2024 in 0s

58 errors, 92 pass in 1h 32m 15s

  1 files   22 suites   1h 32m 15s ⏱️
150 tests  92 ✅ 0 💤 0 ❌ 58 🔥
251 runs  193 ✅ 0 💤 0 ❌ 58 🔥

Results for commit 0357e15.


Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Module_is_initialised_with_the_specified_defaults_in_function_call. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:37:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:26.31 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:26.41 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:27.86 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:27.93 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:28.34 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.37 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.37 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:28.37 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.42 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.42 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.65 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:09:28.72 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.72 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:09:28.76 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:08.75 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:37:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Eigenvector_table_should_have_data_extract_selection_Murder_Assault_on_header. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:61:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:09.30 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:09.35 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:10.79 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:10.83 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:11.23 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.24 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.24 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:11.25 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.30 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.30 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.54 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:11:11.62 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.62 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:11:11.66 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:51.64 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:61:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Eigenvector_table_should_have_data_extract_selection_Murder_UrbanPop_on_header. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:78:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:52.18 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:52.23 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:53.67 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:53.70 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:54.11 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.12 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.12 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:54.12 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.17 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.17 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.38 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:12:54.46 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.46 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:12:54.49 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:34.47 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:78:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Color_by_columns_data_extract_must_be_from_non_selected_variable_set. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:95:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:34.97 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:35.02 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:36.26 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:36.30 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:36.69 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:36.70 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:36.70 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:36.70 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:36.75 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:36.75 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:36.96 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:14:37.03 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:37.03 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:14:37.07 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:17.04 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:95:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_of_tables_display_does_not_generate_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:112:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:17.52 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:17.58 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:18.81 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:18.85 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:19.21 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.23 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.23 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:19.23 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.28 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.28 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.49 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:16:19.57 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.58 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:16:19.61 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:17:59.59 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:112:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_for_plot_type_does_not_generate_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:133:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:00.10 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:00.15 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:01.58 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:01.63 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:02.11 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.11 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.12 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:02.12 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.17 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.17 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.40 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:18:02.47 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.48 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:18:02.51 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:42.49 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:133:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_of_standardization_does_not_generate_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:156:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:43.00 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:43.06 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:44.48 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:44.52 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:44.98 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:44.99 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:44.99 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:44.99 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:45.05 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:45.05 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:45.27 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:19:45.34 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:45.34 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:19:45.40 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:25.35 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:156:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_of_NA_action_does_not_generate_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:174:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:25.85 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:25.90 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:27.32 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:27.36 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:27.79 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:27.80 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:27.81 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:27.81 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:27.86 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:27.86 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:28.10 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:21:28.17 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:28.18 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:21:28.23 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:08.19 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:174:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_of_plot_type_hides_and_shows_options. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:188:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:08.69 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:08.75 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:10.17 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:10.21 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:10.63 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:10.64 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:10.64 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:10.64 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:10.69 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:10.69 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:10.92 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:23:10.98 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:10.98 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:23:11.11 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:51.00 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:188:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_of_theme_does_not_generate_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:220:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:51.51 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:51.56 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:52.99 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:53.03 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:53.54 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.55 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.56 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:53.56 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.61 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.61 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.84 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:24:53.89 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.90 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:24:53.96 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:33.91 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:220:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_pca

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_a_pca_Changing_output_encodings_of_font_size_does_not_generate_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_pca) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:238:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:34.42 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:34.47 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:35.90 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:35.94 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:36.39 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.40 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.40 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:36.40 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.45 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.45 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.69 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:26:36.76 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.77 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:26:36.81 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:28:16.78 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_a_pca() at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:238:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_a_pca.R:9:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_data_table

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_data_table_Initializes_without_errors (shinytest2_tm_data_table) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:25:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:18.28 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:18.31 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:19.73 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:19.77 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:19.88 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:19.89 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:19.89 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:19.89 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:19.99 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:19.99 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:20.10 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:29:20.12 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:20.12 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:29:20.29 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:00.14 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_data_table() at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:25:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:2:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_data_table

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_data_table_Verify_checkbox_displayed_over_data_table (shinytest2_tm_data_table) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:39:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:00.69 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:00.72 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:02.15 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:02.19 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:02.33 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.34 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.34 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:02.34 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.44 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.44 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.57 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:31:02.66 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.66 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:31:02.79 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:42.68 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_data_table() at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:39:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:2:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_data_table

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_data_table_Verify_module_displays_data_table (shinytest2_tm_data_table) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:48:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:43.25 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:43.28 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:44.71 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:44.76 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:44.89 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:44.89 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:44.89 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:44.90 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:45.00 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:45.00 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:45.14 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:32:45.22 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:45.23 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:32:45.36 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:25.24 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_data_table() at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:48:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:2:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_data_table

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_data_table_Verify_default_variable_selection_and_set_new_selection (shinytest2_tm_data_table) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:84:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:25.78 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:25.81 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:27.24 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:27.29 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:27.47 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.48 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.48 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:27.48 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.59 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.59 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.72 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:34:27.80 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.80 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:34:27.93 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:36:07.82 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_data_table() at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:84:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_data_table.R:2:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_association

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_association_Data_parameter_and_module_label_is_passed_properly. (shinytest2_tm_g_association) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:50:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:05.54 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:05.57 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:07.00 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:07.05 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:07.49 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.50 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.50 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:07.51 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.57 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.57 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.79 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:37:07.86 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.86 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:37:07.96 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:47.88 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_association() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:50:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:10:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_association

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_association_Data_extract_spec_elements_are_initialized_with_the_default_values_specified_by_ref_and_vars_arguments. (shinytest2_tm_g_association) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:67:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:48.47 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:48.50 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:49.93 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:49.98 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:50.56 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:50.57 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:50.57 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:50.57 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:50.63 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:50.63 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:50.86 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:38:50.92 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:50.92 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:38:51.01 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:30.94 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_association() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:67:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:10:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_association

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_association_Module_plot_is_visible. (shinytest2_tm_g_association) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 42s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:88:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:31.52 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:31.56 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:32.99 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:33.04 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:33.55 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:33.56 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:33.56 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:33.57 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:33.62 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:33.62 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:33.87 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:40:33.92 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:33.93 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:40:34.01 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:13.94 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_association() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:88:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:10:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_association

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_association_Check_and_set_default_values_for_radio_buttons. (shinytest2_tm_g_association) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:97:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:14.54 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:14.57 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:16.00 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:16.05 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:16.55 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:16.56 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:16.56 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:16.56 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:16.61 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:16.61 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:16.85 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:42:16.93 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:16.93 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:42:17.06 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:56.95 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_association() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:97:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_association.R:10:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_bivariate_Module_is_initialised_with_the_specified_defaults. (shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:90:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:57.53 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:57.57 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:59.00 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:59.05 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:59.70 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:43:59.70 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:43:59.70 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:43:59.71 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:43:59.75 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:43:59.75 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:44:00.07 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:44:00.13 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:44:00.14 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:44:00.21 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:40.16 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_bivariate() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:90:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:8:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_bivariate_Coloring_options_are_hidden_when_coloring_is_toggled_off. (shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:117:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:40.75 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:40.79 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:42.23 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:42.27 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:43.06 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.08 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.08 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:43.08 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.13 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.13 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.49 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:45:43.54 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.54 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:45:43.60 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:23.56 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_bivariate() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:117:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:8:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_bivariate_Facetting_options_are_hidden_when_facet_is_toggled_off. (shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:159:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:24.15 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:24.20 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:25.63 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:25.68 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:26.34 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.36 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.36 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:26.36 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.41 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.41 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.72 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:47:26.80 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.80 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:47:26.84 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:06.82 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_bivariate() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:159:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:8:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_bivariate_Setting_encoding_inputs_produces_outputs_without_validation_errors. (shinytest2_tm_g_bivariate) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:195:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:07.43 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:07.48 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:08.91 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:08.95 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:09.70 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:09.71 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:09.72 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:09.72 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:09.85 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:09.85 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:10.07 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:49:10.13 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:10.14 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:49:10.19 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:50.16 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_bivariate() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:195:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_bivariate.R:8:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_distribution

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_distribution_Module_is_initialised_with_the_specified_defaults. (shinytest2_tm_g_distribution) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_distribution.R:50:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:50.76 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:50.83 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:52.47 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:52.52 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:53.20 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.21 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.21 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:53.21 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.26 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.26 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.59 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:50:53.66 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.66 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:50:53.71 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:33.68 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_distribution() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_distribution.R:50:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_distribution.R:11:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)

Check failure on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_g_distribution

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

e2e_tm_g_distribution_Histogram_encoding_inputs_produce_output_without_validation_errors. (shinytest2_tm_g_distribution) with error

teal.modules.general.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 1m 43s]
Raw output
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout,  ('test-shinytest2-tm_g_distribution.R:74:3')
Error in `app_initialize(self, private, app_dir = app_dir, ..., load_timeout = load_timeout, 
    timeout = timeout, wait = wait, expect_values_screenshot_args = expect_values_screenshot_args, 
    screenshot_args = screenshot_args, check_names = check_names, 
    name = name, variant = variant, view = view, height = height, 
    width = width, seed = seed, clean_logs = clean_logs, shiny_args = shiny_args, 
    render_args = render_args, options = options)`: Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable

ℹ You can inspect the failed AppDriver object via `rlang::last_error()$app`
ℹ AppDriver logs:
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:34.29 Start AppDriver initialization
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:34.36 Starting Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:35.99 Creating new ChromoteSession
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:36.04 Navigating to Shiny app
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:36.76 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:36.78 shinytest2; jQuery not found
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:36.78 shinytest2; Loaded
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:36.78 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:36.83 shinytest2; jQuery found
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:36.83 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:37.22 shinytest2; Connected
{shinytest2} R  info   16:52:37.27 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 1e+05ms
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:37.28 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
{chromote}   JS info   16:52:37.36 shinytest2; shiny:busy
{shinytest2} R  info   16:54:17.30 Error while initializing AppDriver:
                                   Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
                                   Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
                                   Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
                                   ! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attempting to load the environment ‘package:jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘jsonlite’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following object is masked from ‘package:shiny’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     validate
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggmosaic
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: ggplot2
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.code
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.slice
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- You are using teal version
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Attaching package: ‘teal’
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- The following objects are masked from ‘package:teal.slice’:
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------     as.teal_slices, teal_slices
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: teal.transform
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- 
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on
{shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Warning: Error in assert_reactive: could not find function "assert_reactive"
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   14: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   12: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   11: <Anonymous>
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------   10:
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    9: base::saveRDS
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    8: base::withCallingHandlers
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    7: doTryCatch
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    6: tryCatchOne
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    5: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    2: tryCatchList
{shiny}      R  stderr -----------    1: base::tryCatch

Caused by error in `app_initialize_()`:
! Shiny app did not become stable in 1e+05ms.
Message: An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
Caused by error in `app_wait_for_idle()`:
! An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable
  1. ├─teal.modules.general (local) app_driver_tm_g_distribution() at test-shinytest2-tm_g_distribution.R:74:3
  2. │ └─teal.modules.general:::init_teal_app_driver(...) at test-shinytest2-tm_g_distribution.R:11:3
  3. │   ├─testthat::with_mocked_bindings(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:7:3
  4. │   └─TealAppDriver$new(...) at tests/testthat/helper-TealAppDriver.R:10:7
  5. │     └─teal (local) initialize(...)
  6. │       ├─base::suppressWarnings(...)
  7. │       │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  8. │       └─super$initialize(...)
  9. │         └─shinytest2:::app_initialize(...)
 10. │           ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 11. │           └─shinytest2:::app_initialize_(self, private, ..., view = view)
 12. │             ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 13. │             └─self$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = private$load_timeout)
 14. │               └─shinytest2:::app_wait_for_idle(...)
 15. │                 └─shinytest2:::app_abort(self, private, "An error occurred while waiting for Shiny to be stable")
 16. │                   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 17. │                     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 18. │                       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 19. ├─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 20. │ └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 21. │   └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)
 22. │     └─rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
 23. │       └─base::signalCondition(cnd)
 24. └─shinytest2 (local) `<fn>`(`<rlng_rrr>`)
 25.   └─shinytest2:::app_abort(...)
 26.     └─rlang::abort(..., app = self, call = call)