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order and addition of features on top of v0_experimental
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Melkiades committed Nov 28, 2023
1 parent 2b18a77 commit 9cf72b8
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Showing 4 changed files with 171 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Depends:
R (>= 2.10)
checkmate (>= 2.1.0),
htmltools (>= 0.5.4),
broom (>= 0.7.10),
car (>= 3.0-13),
checkmate (>= 2.1.0),
dplyr (>= 1.0.5),
flextable (>= 0.8.4),
knitr (>= 1.42),
Expand Down
162 changes: 148 additions & 14 deletions R/tt_export.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,8 +80,19 @@ formatters::export_as_txt
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param spec character(1). The specification to use to
#' extract the result data frame. See details
#' @param ... Passed to spec-specific result data frame conversion function.
#' extract the result data frame. See details
#' @param simplify logical(1). If \code{TRUE}, the result data frame will have only visible
#' labels and result columns.
#' @param ... Passed to spec-specific result data frame conversion function. Currently it can be
#' one or more of the following parameters (valid only for `v0_experimental` spec for now):
#' - `expanded_colnames`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have expanded column names above the usual
#' output. This is useful when the result data frame is used for further processing.
#' - `simplify`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have only visible labels and result columns.
#' - `as_strings`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all values as strings, as they appear
#' in the final table (it can also be retrieved from `matrix_form(tt)$strings`). This is also true for
#' column counts if `expanded_colnames = TRUE`.
#' - `as_viewer`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all values as they appear in the final table,
#' i.e. with the same precision and numbers, but in easy-to-use numeric form.
#' @details `as_result_df()`: Result data frame specifications may differ in the exact information
#' they include and the form in which they represent it. Specifications whose names end in "_experimental"
Expand All @@ -99,9 +110,28 @@ formatters::export_as_txt
#' @name data.frame_export
#' @export
as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = "v0_experimental", ...) {
as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = "v0_experimental", simplify = FALSE, ...) {
checkmate::assert_class(tt, "VTableTree")

result_df_fun <- lookup_result_df_specfun(spec)
result_df_fun(tt, ...)
out <- result_df_fun(tt, ...)

if (simplify) {
out <- .simplify_result_df(out)


# Function that selects specific outputs from the result data frame
.simplify_result_df <- function(df) {
col_df <- colnames(df)
row_names_col <- which(col_df == "row_name")
result_cols <- seq(which(col_df == "node_class") + 1, length(col_df))

df[, c(row_names_col, result_cols)]

# Not used in rtables
Expand All @@ -122,7 +152,7 @@ as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = "v0_experimental", ...) {
# ret
# }

#' @describeIn data.frame_export list of functions that extract result data frames from \code{TableTree}s.
#' @describeIn data.frame_export list of functions that extract result data frames from \code{TableTree}s.
#' @return `result_df_specs()`: returns a named list of result data frame extraction functions by "specification".
Expand All @@ -145,33 +175,124 @@ lookup_result_df_specfun <- function(spec) {

result_df_v0_experimental <- function(tt) {
result_df_v0_experimental <- function(tt,
as_viewer = FALSE,
as_strings = FALSE,
expanded_colnames = FALSE) {

raw_cvals <- cell_values(tt)
## if the table has one row and multiple columns, sometimes the cell values returns a list of the cell values
## rather than a list of length 1 reprsenting the single row. This is bad but may not be changable
## rather than a list of length 1 representing the single row. This is bad but may not be changeable
## at this point.
if (nrow(tt) == 1 && length(raw_cvals) > 1) {
raw_cvals <- list(raw_cvals)

cellvals <-, raw_cvals))
row.names(cellvals) <- NULL

if (as_viewer || as_strings) {
# we keep previous calculations to check the format of the data
mf_tt <- matrix_form(tt)
mf_result_chars <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[-seq_len(mf_nlheader(mf_tt)), -1]
mf_result_chars <- .remove_empty_elements(mf_result_chars)
mf_result_numeric <- .make_numeric_char_mf(mf_result_chars)
if (!setequal(dim(mf_result_numeric), dim(cellvals)) ||
!setequal(dim(mf_result_chars), dim(cellvals))) {
stop("The extracted numeric data.frame does not have the same dimension of the",
" cell values extracted with cell_values(). This is a bug. Please report it.") # nocov
if (as_strings) {
colnames(mf_result_chars) <- colnames(cellvals)
cellvals <- mf_result_chars
} else {
colnames(mf_result_numeric) <- colnames(cellvals)
cellvals <- mf_result_numeric

rdf <- make_row_df(tt)

df <- cbind(
rdf$node_class != "LabelRow",
c("name", "label", "abs_rownumber", "path", "reprint_inds", "node_class")

maxlen <- max(lengths(df$path))
metadf <-, lapply(
function(ii) handle_rdf_row(df[ii, ], maxlen = maxlen)
metadf <-,
handle_rdf_row(df[ii, ], maxlen = maxlen)

ret <- cbind(
metadf[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ],

# If we want to expand colnames
if (expanded_colnames) {
col_name_structure <- .get_formatted_colnames(clayout(tt))
number_of_non_data_cols <- which(colnames(ret) == "node_class")
if (NCOL(ret) - number_of_non_data_cols != NCOL(col_name_structure)) {
stop("When expanding colnames structure, we were not able to find the same",
" number of columns as in the result data frame. This is a bug. Please report it.") # nocov

buffer_rows_for_colnames <- matrix(
rep("<only_for_column_names>", number_of_non_data_cols * NROW(col_name_structure)),
nrow = NROW(col_name_structure)

header_colnames_matrix <- cbind(buffer_rows_for_colnames, data.frame(col_name_structure))
colnames(header_colnames_matrix) <- colnames(ret)

count_row <- NULL
if (disp_ccounts(tt)) {
ccounts <- col_counts(tt)
if (as_strings) {
ccounts <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[mf_nlheader(mf_tt), ]
ccounts <- .remove_empty_elements(ccounts)
count_row <- c(rep("<only_for_column_counts>", number_of_non_data_cols), ccounts)
header_colnames_matrix <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, count_row)
ret <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, ret)


.remove_empty_elements <- function(char_df) {
if (is.null(dim(char_df))) {
return(char_df[nzchar(char_df, keepNA = TRUE)])

apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) col_i[nzchar(col_i, keepNA = TRUE)])

# Helper function to make the character matrix numeric
.make_numeric_char_mf <- function(char_df) {
if (is.null(dim(char_df))) {
return(as.numeric(stringi::stri_extract_all(char_df, regex = "\\d+.\\d+")))

apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) {
stringi::stri_extract_all(col_i, regex = "\\d+.\\d+"),
}) %>%, .)

do_label_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,6 +357,19 @@ handle_rdf_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
setNames(ret, make_result_df_md_colnames(maxlen))

# Helper recurrent function to get the column names for the result data frame from the VTableTree
.get_formatted_colnames <- function(clyt) {
ret <- names(clyt)
if (is.null(tree_children(clyt))) {
} else {
ret <- rbind(ret, lapply(tree_children(clyt), .get_formatted_colnames) %>%, .))
colnames(ret) <- NULL
rownames(ret) <- NULL

#' @describeIn data.frame_export transform `TableTree` object to Path-Enriched `data.frame`.
#' @param path_fun function. Function to transform paths into single-string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,7 +861,7 @@ tt_to_flextable <- function(tt,
tf_wrap = !is.null(cpp),
max_width = cpp,
total_width = 10) {
check_required_packages(c("flextable", "checkmate"))
if (!inherits(tt, "VTableTree")) {
stop("Input table is not an rtables' object.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -932,7 +1066,7 @@ theme_docx_default <- function(tt = NULL, # Option for more complicated stuff
bold_manual = NULL,
border = flextable::fp_border_default(width = 0.5)) {
function(flx) {
check_required_packages(c("flextable", "checkmate"))
if (!inherits(flx, "flextable")) {
"Function `%s` supports only flextable objects.",
Expand Down
18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions man/data.frame_export.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion tests/testthat/test-result_data_frame.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
context("Result Data Frames")

test_that("Result Data Frame generation works v0", {
## change here (only) when v0 is crystalized (no longer experimental)
spec_version <- "v0_experimental"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,3 +66,9 @@ test_that("Result Data Frame generation works v0", {

test_that("as_result_df works with visual output (as_viewer)", {
lyt <- make_big_lyt()
tbl <- build_table(lyt, rawdat)
as_result_df(tbl, simplify = TRUE, as_viewer = TRUE)

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