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289 possibility to pass custom
label for g_lineplot
and `g_s…
…phagettiplot` (#259) Alternative to #250 , related to insightsengineering/teal.goshawk#289 <details><summary> Code for g_lineplot </summary> ```r # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset. library(stringr) library(dplyr) library(nestcolor) # original ARM value = dose value arm_mapping <- list( "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination" ) color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "thistle", "Placebo" = "orange", "Combination" = "steelblue") type_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "solid", "Placebo" = "dashed", "Combination" = "dotted") ADSL <- rADSL %>% filter(!(ARM == "B: Placebo" & AGE < 40)) ADLB <- rADLB ADLB <- right_join(ADLB, ADSL[, c("STUDYID", "USUBJID")]) var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label) ADLB <- ADLB %>% mutate(AVISITCD = case_when( AVISIT == "SCREENING" ~ "SCR", AVISIT == "BASELINE" ~ "BL", grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~ paste( "W", trimws( substr( AVISIT, start = 6, stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1 ) ) ), TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>% mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when( AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2, AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0, grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)), TRUE ~ NA_real_ )) %>% # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1, ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2, ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA) ) )) %>% mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>% mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>% reorder(TRTORD)) attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]] attr(ADLB[["AVISITCDN"]], "label") <- "CUSTOM LABEL FOR THE AXIS LABEL" g_lineplot( label = "Line Plot", data = ADLB, biomarker_var = "PARAMCD", biomarker = "CRP", value_var = "AVAL", trt_group = "ARM", shape = NULL, time = "AVISITCDN", color_manual = color_manual, line_type = type_manual, median = FALSE, hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5), hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"), hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), xtick = c(0, 1, 5), xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"), rotate_xlab = FALSE, plot_height = 600 ) attr(ADLB[["AVISITCDN"]], "label") <- NULL g_lineplot( label = "Line Plot", data = ADLB, biomarker_var = "PARAMCD", biomarker = "CRP", value_var = "AVAL", trt_group = "ARM", shape = NULL, time = "AVISITCDN", color_manual = color_manual, line_type = type_manual, median = FALSE, hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5), hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"), hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), xtick = c(0, 1, 5), xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"), rotate_xlab = FALSE, plot_height = 600 ) ``` </details> <details><summary>Code for `g_sphagettiplot` </summary> ```r # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset. library(stringr) # original ARM value = dose value arm_mapping <- list( "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination" ) color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "#000000", "Placebo" = "#3498DB", "Combination" = "#E74C3C") ADLB <- rADLB var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label) ADLB <- ADLB %>% mutate(AVISITCD = case_when( AVISIT == "SCREENING" ~ "SCR", AVISIT == "BASELINE" ~ "BL", grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~ paste( "W", trimws( substr( AVISIT, start = 6, stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1 ) ) ), TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>% mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when( AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2, AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0, grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)), TRUE ~ NA_real_ )) %>% # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1, ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2, ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA) ) )) %>% mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>% mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>% reorder(TRTORD)) %>% mutate(ANRLO = .5, ANRHI = 1) %>% rowwise() %>% group_by(PARAMCD) %>% mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE), paste("<", round(runif(1, min = .5, max = .7))), LBSTRESC )) %>% mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE), paste(">", round(runif(1, min = .9, max = 1.2))), LBSTRESC )) %>% ungroup() attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]] attr(ADLB[["ANRLO"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Lower Limit" attr(ADLB[["ANRHI"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Upper Limit" # add LLOQ and ULOQ variables ADLB_LOQS <- goshawk:::h_identify_loq_values(ADLB, "LOQFL") ADLB <- left_join(ADLB, ADLB_LOQS, by = "PARAM") attr(ADLB[["AVISITCD"]], "label") <- "CUSTOM LABEL FOR THE AXIS LABEL" g_spaghettiplot( data = ADLB, subj_id = "USUBJID", biomarker_var = "PARAMCD", biomarker = "CRP", value_var = "AVAL", trt_group = "ARM", time = "AVISITCD", color_manual = color_manual, color_comb = "#39ff14", alpha = .02, xtick = c("BL", "W 1", "W 4"), xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 4"), rotate_xlab = FALSE, group_stats = "median", hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO"), hline_vars_colors = c("pink", "brown") ) ``` </details> # lineplot ### Custom label from attribute <img width="460" alt="image" src=""> ### No attribute, so take column name <img width="455" alt="image" src=""> # sphagettiplot ### Custom label from attribute <img width="356" alt="image" src=""> ### No attribute, so take column name <img width="353" alt="image" src="">
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