Simple tools for reviewing the quality of Jupyter notebooks.
At the moment, only a few of simple tools are provided::
- a utility to list package imports into one or more notebooks;
- a simple reading time estimator based on words-per-minute calculations against markdown cells (code cells ignored);
- a visualisation of notebook structure (relative length, structure in terms of markdown vs code cell). Visualisations are of the form:
As well as reporting on .ipynb
notebooks, reports can also be generated for other document formats that are convertable to the Jupyter notebook .ipynb
using jupytext
Install from pip:
pip install nb_quality_profile
Install from this repo:
pip install git+
Usage: nb_quality [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
chart Display notebook profile chart.
imports Display notebook imports.
text-analysis Report on text / markdown content.
Usage: nb_quality chart [OPTIONS] PATH
Display notebook profile chart from provided file or directory path.
-o, --out TEXT Image outfile
-g, --gap FLOAT Gap
-G, --gapcolor TEXT Gap colour
-l, --linewidth INTEGER Line width
--text-formats / --no-text-formats
Enable/disable Jupytext support.
--help Show this message and exit.
So for example, to generate a chart of files in current directory:
nb_quality chart .
Check package imports:
Usage: nb_quality imports [OPTIONS] PATH
Display notebook imports from provided file or directory path.
--text-formats / --no-text-formats
Enable/disable Jupytext support.
--help Show this message and exit.
The imports report also generates a scatterplot (packages.png
) showing package use across notebooks.
Check links (note: links included as "free text" are currently ignored):
Usage: nb_quality link-check [OPTIONS] PATH
Check links.
--all-links Display all links.
--grab-screenshots Grab screenshots.
--help Show this message and exit.
To grab screenshots, playwright
needs to be installed:
pip install playwright
playwright install
Check image alt text:
Usage: nb_quality alt-tags [OPTIONS] PATH
Check image alt text.
--help Show this message and exit.
Check for errors and warnings (stderr
messages in code cell outputs):
Usage: nb_quality check-warnings [OPTIONS] PATH
Check code output cells for warnings.
--help Show this message and exit.
Reading time (based solely on markdown; code cells ignored):
Usage: nb_quality text-analysis [OPTIONS] PATH
Report on text / markdown content.
--text-formats / --no-text-formats
Enable/disable Jupytext support.
-r, --reading-rate INTEGER Words per minute.
-R, --rounded-minutes Round up to minutes.
--help Show this message and exit.
On a Mac, you may get a warning of the form:
2020-07-03 15:34:06.658 Python[46394:645167] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to (null)
This seems to be a known matplotlib
To generate simple visualisations of the relative size and structure (markdown vs code cells) of a single Jupyter notebook:
from nb_quality_profile import nb_visualiser as nbv
See demo.ipynb
for an example.
The visualisation tool was originally described here: Fragment -Visualising Jupyter Notebook Structure