This is a hobby project to create a simple Pomodoro device that can sit on a desk and be quickly and trivially activated to start a focus session. Yes, these exist and can be purchased from Amazon, but it doesn't mean they should be purchased.
The current stated goals for the project are
- Make a physical device I personally love to use every day
- Learn Embassy-rs and apply it to a useful project
- Design a Pomodoro that is
- Simple and obvious to use
- Open Source, both software and hardware designs
- Hackable & extendable
And of course don't forget the cardinal axiom of all user interface design
A user interface is well-designed when the program behaves exactly how the user thought it would.
-- Joel on Software
Taken from the Todist website the method consists of the following
- Pick a task
- Set a 25-minute timer
- Work on your task until the time is up
- Take a 5-minute break
- Every 4 pomodoros, take a longer 15-30 minute break
- Run a single Pomodoro from start to finish
- Run a single Pomodoro but pause the countdown because of an interruption, then either
- Unpuase and continue the current countdown from where it left off
- Restart the current countdown from the beginning
- Run a full series of 4 pomodoro each with a break in between and a longer break at the end
- Run a full series of 4 pomodoro each with a break in between and a longer break at the end
- Pause and Unpuase as necessary for interruptions
- Restart current countdown in a series
- Restart entire series from the beginning