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Christian Haas edited this page Jun 9, 2018 · 3 revisions

Level Objects Mode

In this editor mode, the content of a level can be modified. Level objects can be added, removed, and changed in this mode.

UI interaction (map)

  • Mouse: Primary-Button-Down & Drag: pan across map
  • Mouse: Scroll: zoom in/out of map
  • Mouse: Ctrl + Scroll (over close group of objects): cycle highlighted object
  • Mouse Primary-Button-Click (over highlighted object): select object (single)
  • Mouse Ctrl + Primary-Button-Click (over highlighted object): toggle object selection (additive)
  • Mouse Secondary-Button-Click: Add new object
  • Mouse Shift + Secondary-Button-Click: Add new object aligned to grid

Identifying and selecting objects

Level objects on the map are indicated by a faint white square and a corresponding icon at the location of the object. Note that not all objects have a proper icon (and are indicated by the white square alone), and some objects share identical icons.

When the mouse cursor comes close to such a level object, the panel will show the type next to Highlighted Object. Sometimes objects are very close together, or their icons are even stacked on top of each other, making it difficult to select the desired object. In such cases, press and hold the Ctrl key, and cycle through the group of objects with the scroll wheel. The Highlighted Object will update accordingly.

To select a highlighted object, click the Primary Mouse Button. To toggle a selection, press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking. This way you can select multiple objects, to modify some of their (shared) properties together.

Modifying objects

With at least one object selected, properties are displayed and can be modified. If multiple objects are selected, only those properties common to all are displayed.

The type of objects can be changed, as long as all selected objects share the same class. The class of an object can not be changed. If you want to have an objet of a different class, remove the old object and add a new one of the desired class.

Base properties are those all objects have. These are properties such as position and orientation. Extra properties are for some select objects that store properties here instead of class-specific. Class properties are specific to class and only few object types have similar parameters across classes.

Especially for the class-specific properties, it may be necessary to know their meaning as documented in ss-specs. Here is the main entry page for the level-specific information:

Removing objects

Selected objects can be removed. Simply click on the button labelled Delete and all the selected objects will be removed from the level.

Adding new objects

In the left panel, the lines New Object Class, Class Usage and New Object Type are for adding new objects to the map.

New Object Class selects the basic class of the object. Per class a level can hold only a certain amount of objects. How many objects are currently in the level, and what is the limit, is indicated by Class Usage.

Trying to add a new object if the class list is exhausted is not possible and will not work.

The New Object Type selects what kind of object of the selected class should be added. Note that this selection can be changed after the object has been added.

Click the Secondary Mouse Button in the map where you want to place the new object. If accepted, it will show up immediately.

If you hold the Shift key while placing a new object, the location will be aligned to the grid. The grid is half the size of the tile-map. This means that if the mouse cursor is close to the center, the object will be placed at the exact center. If the cursor is near a corner, the object will be placed in the corner. If the cursor is near the center of the side, the object will be placed at the wall.