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@bednar bednar released this 30 Jan 08:25
· 108 commits to master since this release

⚠️ This client version discontinues support for JDK 8 and 11. The minimum supported JDK version is now JDK 17.

⚠️ This client version discontinues support for Akka Streams and introduces support for Pekko Streams instead. Apache Pekko is a fork of Akka 2.6.x, created after the Akka project adopted the Business Source License, which is not compatible with open-source usage.


  1. #661: Replaced Akka Streams with Pekko Streams in the Scala client.
  2. #673: Upgrade SpringBoot to v3 and Spring to v6
  3. #673: Disable support for old JDKs (< 17)


Update dependencies:


  • #664: kotlin to 1.9.22
  • #666: okio to 3.7.0
  • #667: rxjava to 3.1.8
  • #669: commons-lang3 to 3.14.0
  • #670: micrometer-registry-influx to 1.12.1
  • #673: spring-boot to 3.2.2
  • #673: spring to 6.1.3
  • #673: scala-library to 2.13.11
  • #673: okhttp to 4.12.0


  • #671: maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.6.3


  • #668: junit-jupiter to 5.10.1