Social Networking App
A small social networking application which allows user to:
•Login into their account with their email and password (email should be case insensitive).
•Signup into their account with their email only(no otp verification required, valid email format is sufficient).
•Except signup and login every api should be called for authenticated users only
•View other users on the system and search the users based on email and name (paginate up to 10 records per page).
a) If search keyword matches exact email then return user associated with the email.
b) If the search keyword contains any part of the name then return a list of all users. eg:- Amarendra, Amar, aman, Abhirama are three users and if users search with "am" then all of these users should be shown in the search result because "am" substring is part of all of these names.
curl --location ''
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdEBlbWFpbC5jb206QVNERkA5aGFu'
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=5kNQ4Bq0kN5S3fKG7SpXECOI1RJk6rKx; sessionid=doja2l2ecs6hm7cez3yikwnjy1dcf55i'
c) There will be only one search keyword that will search either by name or email.
•Send friend request to a user.
request_body { "receiver": { "type": "User", "id": } }
curl --location ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Basic aW16YW1hbToxMjM0NTY='
--data '{
"receiver": {
"type": "User",
•Accept a friend request received from a user.
curl --location --request PUT ''
--header 'id;'
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdDpBU0RGQDloYW4='
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=5kNQ4Bq0kN5S3fKG7SpXECOI1RJk6rKx; sessionid=doja2l2ecs6hm7cez3yikwnjy1dcf55i'
--data ''
Reject a friend request received from a user.
curl --location --request PUT ''
--header 'id;'
--header 'Authorization: Basic aW16YW1hbUBlbWFpbC5jb206MTIzNDU2'
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=5kNQ4Bq0kN5S3fKG7SpXECOI1RJk6rKx; sessionid=doja2l2ecs6hm7cez3yikwnjy1dcf55i'
--data ''
•list of users who have accepted friend request.
url --location ''
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdEBlbWFpbC5jb206QVNERkA5aGFu'
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=5kNQ4Bq0kN5S3fKG7SpXECOI1RJk6rKx; sessionid=doja2l2ecs6hm7cez3yikwnjy1dcf55i'
--data ''
• List of pending friend requests(received friend request)
curl --location ''
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdEBlbWFpbC5jb206QVNERkA5aGFu'
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=5kNQ4Bq0kN5S3fKG7SpXECOI1RJk6rKx; sessionid=doja2l2ecs6hm7cez3yikwnjy1dcf55i'
• All APIs except login and signup will be called by authenticated users only. • ScopedRateThrottle is added so that users can not send more than 3 friend requests within a minute.
Body: { "detail": "Request was throttled. Expected available in 21 seconds." }
curl --location ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdEBlbWFpbC5jb206QVNERkA5aGFu'
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=5kNQ4Bq0kN5S3fKG7SpXECOI1RJk6rKx; sessionid=doja2l2ecs6hm7cez3yikwnjy1dcf55i'
--data '{
"receiver": {
"type": "User",
"id": "12"
• API permission is applied, which won't allow the sender or any other user to update the request status.It'll only be updated by the user to whom the request is intended to.
Getting Started
• Clone the project repository to your local machine. • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.
Once you run the project, Access the APIs at address.
You can test the APIs on postman as, I have shared all the end points.