Open source iOS implementation of WebRTC without the need for proprietary closed-source SDKs or 3rd party web services
##What it does
Provides a simple, native Cocoa Framework for WebRTC
Server-less One-to-One video/audio calling between iOS devices
Server-less One-to-Many video/audio broadcasting from iOS
Server-less Many-to-Many video/audio conferencing between iOS devices and any other WebRTC based client
##What it does not do
Falback support for non-WebRTC clients
Contacts, text-messages, persistent swarm connection (i.e. this is not intended to be a Skype/FaceTime replacement)
Signaling/Session Management. You will still need a server for this, but there are many open source options available for NodeJS, Ruby, Python and PHP
##Why not use OpenTok?
While the OpenTok SDK is full-featured and well implemented, it relies on an account with a 3rd party provider and uses a proprietary API, meaning that interoperability outside of the OpenTok ecosystem is difficult if not impossible.
WebRTC promises to provide a unified, cross-platform, plugin-free W3C standard for audio/video chat and broadcast as well as low-level P2P data/audio/video exchange. While implementing WebRTC with a proprietary 3rd party vendor makes it easy to cobble together a proof-of-concept
WebRTC can and should be as open and extensible as the other web standards we've come to know and love like HTML, TCP and WebSockets.
##What is currently implemented?
a slightly esoteric Readme
really nothing yet, this is a brand new open-source project. As features are added and the project approaches production-ready status, we will (as a community) suggest and implement additional features
##How can I use this in my app?
add the cocoapod to your Podfile
pod 'WebRTCKit', '~>0.0.1'
add this repository as a git submodule to your project
git submodule add [email protected]:johnnyclem/WebRTCKit.git
implement your camera capture session with AVFoundation. WebRTCKit leverages AVFoundation's didOutputSampleBuffer delegate method
create an AVCaptureSession like you normally would with AVFoundation
choose your device, session settings (resolution, min/max framerates, video codec, etc)
import the WebRTCKit.h header file
#import <WebRTCKit/WebRTCKit.h>
- create a new WebRTCKit object and set it as the delegate for your AVCaptureSession
WebRTCKit *webby = [[WebRTCKit alloc] init];
self.session.delegate = webby;
- point WebRTC kit at your signaling/session management server
webby.signalingURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
##How can I help?
if you have skills/experience with WebRTC, Objective-C and/or AVFoundation, fork the repo, implement a feature and submit a pull request
if you want a specific feature or come across a bug, add a feature/bug request
if you want to troll me with an argument for why OpenTok/Jingle/Other Proprietary 3rd party iOS WebRTC SDK is a better option, you may do so on twitter to @johnnyclem or you can bug the project managers at OpenTok/Jingle/Other Proprietary 3rd party iOS WebRTC SDK and ask them to open their projects up to allow usage without tight coupling to their Paid and/or Free web services