SNP2HLA module (tapa) performs HLA imputation (amino acids, HLA alleles and SNPs) using genotyping data.
You would need two things for HLA imputation:
- A GWAS dataset contains the MHC region (.bed/bim/fam PLINK format) N.B.: due to the BEAGLE update, unlike SNP2HLA-v1, the correct genomic build (hg19/Grch38) is now important for imputation
- Reference dataset (.bgl.phased.vcf.gz/.markers/.FRQ.frq/.bim; output from the MakeReference module)
After imputaton, SNP2HLA will output a single vcf file (*.bgl.phased.vcf.gz).
SNP2HLA in HLA-TAPAS has to be implemented in the directory of main project folder. (i.e. 'HLA-TAPAS/' where '' script is.)
$ cd ../
# Change your current directory to the HLA-TAPAS main project folder.
$ python3 -m SNP2HLA \
--target SNP2HLA/example/1958BC \
--out SNP2HLA/example/IMPUTED.1958BC \
--reference resources/1000G.bglv4 \
--nthreads 2 \
--mem 4g