I want to make programs for my arduino in redstone. To really interact with real world using Arduino UNO WiFi or ESP8266.
Redstone is great tool for logic-based circuits.
My raw idea is that you will have some block in MC that would act like arduino pin. Then when the pin in HIGH, the lock will emit restone signal, or when the block is redstone HIGH, the pin will go HIGH. Then we can go analog too, restone has it's analog value that can be emitted from arduino usig PWM and analog pins can emit different strenghts of redstone in game too.
Then there will be more complicated blocks. Blocks that will some how change variables in adruino real "C" code.
For all readtoners out there I can point out some projects with this:
- day - night in game controlling light in your room, so you can really feel the game
- leds or some indicators on your table, that show the state of a farm or as alarm system on servers
- door openinng only on your personal click of a button on your table
- interactive teaching of logic circuits with kids
- RC car controlled in MC
- arduino examples to redstone code
- and many others...
*I want to make it work for arduino UNO WiFi or ESP8266 over the WiFi, so you can do stuff like RC car and such..
I would love to make this work and share it with public via simple to make work mod and arduino code so everybody can play with it:) I think it would be great addition to modded MC.
I'm just 17 y.o. student who is just experimating with arduino without much java coding experience. So I need help with the MC mod or plugin for this. :) If you are interested in this project, feel free to contact me :) Thanks!