- Author
Thomas Kadauke - tkadauke (at) imedo.de
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Find the logical next or previous item of a result set with a simple query.
Rails 2.0.2 (might also work with 2.1)
Additionaly for testing:
dry_plugin_test_helper - github.com/imedo/dry_plugin_test_helper
sqlite3 - www.sqlite.org/
The easiest way to install this plugin is directly from github:
$ cd vendor/plugins $ git clone git://github.com/imedo/acts_as_ordered.git
In your model, simply call acts_as_ordered without any parameters:
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ordered end
After that, you can access the logical next and previous element in a database result set that is specified by the :conditions and :order parameters.
For example, if Picture p belongs to User u, you can get the next picture belonging to u by calling
p.find_next(:conditions => ['user_id = ?', u.id])
Alternatively, you can use the :source parameter:
Picture.find(:next, :source => p, :conditions => ['user_id = ?', u.id])
Note that you need to give the user id explicitly; the p variable does not store the context of the result set in which you want to find the logical next and previous items.
ActiveRecord’s :order parameter is of course taken into account:
p.find_next(:conditions => ['user_id = ?', u.id], :order => 'created_at ASC') # equals p.find_prev(:conditions => ['user_id = ?', u.id], :order => 'created_at DESC')
You can even use multiple order columns, with different sort directions. If you don’t specify any order, a default of ‘id ASC’ is assumed.
The next or previous item is found efficiently: The generated SQL ensures that only one item gets returned from the database.