ElfCommerce is an open source ecommerce dashboard written in ReactJS + ExpressJS and curretly under active development. The goal of this project is to provide a data-driven backoffice solution for SMEs. It will allow yout to manage your inventory, orders, supply chain, shipments, payments and everything else in one place with intuitive UI.
Username: [email protected]
Password: 123
Step 1, clone this repo
Step 2, add the .env file in server directory with environment settings:
Step 3, install all dependancies for ExpressJS
cd server && yarn install
Step 4, install all dependancies for ReactJS
cd client && yarn install
Step 5, create your own config.js in client/src directory with following settings:
const config = {
apiDomain: 'API_DOMAIN',
googleApiKey: 'GOOGLE_API_KEY',
mediaFileDomain: 'http://localhost:8080', //If you allow images to be uploaded to your local server
saveMediaFileLocal: false, //Set this to true if you allow images to be uploaded to your local server
sendgridApiKey: 'SENDGRID_API_KEY',
elasticemailApiKey: 'ELASTICEMAIL_API_KEY',
passwordCallbackUrl: 'https://www.example.com',
export default config;
Step 6, set up database
Before run the following command, make sure you already created a database and have it configured in your .env file.
cd server && yarn db:migrate
Step 7 (Optional), if you wanna deploy the RESTful API to AWS lambda function using ClaudiaJS, please make sure you follow the instructions.
ClaudiaJS doesn't create a Lambda function with environment variables from the .env file, thus you'll need to put all environment varibles in a .json file and run the following command when creating a Lambda function for the first time:
claudia create --handler lambda.handler --deploy-proxy-api --region AWS_REGION_NAME --set-env-from-json FILE_PATH
cd client && yarn start
For every main directory (components, containers etc.), there should be a __tests__ directory for all unit test cases.
cd clint && yarn test [test_directory]
cd server && yarn test [test_directory]
Your contribution is appreicated. For the purpose of having good project management, I encourage you to understand the project structure and way of working before you start to contribute to this project.
Project restructured based on Fractal + ducks for greater scalability
├── .circleci # CircleCI config file
├── client # The web frontend written in ReactJS
│ ├── public # Static public assets and uploads
│ ├── src # ReactJS source code
│ │ ├── components # Shared components, like Button, Input etc.
│ │ │ ├── __tests__ # Unit test for components
│ │ ├── pages # Top level components
│ │ │ ├── __tests__ # Unit test for containers
│ │ │ ├── ... # Sub components of top level components
│ │ ├── modules # Actions + Reducers using ducks file structure
│ │ │ ├── __tests__ # Unit test for reducers
│ │ ├── utils # Utilities like language, date utils, string utils etc.
│ │ │ ├── languages # All language translation .json files
│ │ │ │ └── en.json # Language file
│ │ └── App.css # Your customized styles should be added here
│ │ └── App.js # ** Where React webapp routes configured.
│ │ └── index.js # React webapp start point
│ │ └── config.js # All global configurations(not included in this repo)
├── server # The web server part
│ ├── db # Directory for database raw sql file, migration script etc.
│ ├── exceptions # Directory for all API exception types
│ ├── models # Directory for all API models
│ │ ├── tests # Directory for all API models test cases
│ │ └── account.js # User model
│ │ └── auth.js # Authentication model
│ │ └── categorty.js # Category model
│ │ └── index.js # Aggregates all model files
│ │ └── manufacturer.js # Manufacturer model
│ │ └── order.js # Order model
│ │ └── product.js # Product model
│ │ └── public.js # Public data model
│ │ └── report.js # Report model
│ │ └── store.js # Store model
│ │ └── supplier.js # Supplier model
│ │ ├── vendor # For 3rd party modules
│ ├── routes # Directory for all router files
│ │ └── auth.js # Router for authentication endpoints
│ │ └── category.js # Router for category endpoints
│ │ └── common.js # Router for public data endpoints
│ │ └── index.js # Aggregates all router files
│ │ └── manufacturer.js # Router for manufacturer endpoints
│ │ └── order.js # Router for order endpoints
│ │ └── product.js # Router for product endpoints
│ │ └── store.js # Router for store endpoints
│ │ └── supplier.js # Router for supplier endpoints
│ │ ├── vendor # For 3rd party modules
│ ├── uploads # Directory for image uploading, will be created automatically(not included in this repo)
│ └── .env # Global environment variables(not included in this repo)
│ └── app.js # Restful APIs written in ExpressJS
│ └── app.local.js # Wrapper file for claudia.js
│ └── lambda.js # Used by claudiajs for severless deployment, **Don't change contents here.
│ └── package.json # All project dependancies
│ └── middlewares.js # Middlewares for ExpressJS routes
└── .eslintrc.json # **Don't change settings here.
└── .prettierrc # **Don't change settings here.
└── LICENSE # Project license file, **Don't change contents here.
└── README.md # **Don't change contents here.
### 1. Always work on your own feature or bugfix branch.
You will need to follow the naming convention if it's a new feature:
or **fix/xxx-xxx-xx** if it's a bug or other type of fixing branch.
### 2. Always run eslint
Before creating a PR, you should run:
yarn lint:client
to make sure all formatting or other issues have been properly fixed.
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Elf Commerce is Apache-2.0 licensed.