Created 03.04.2019
This Module is designed to create the JSON that is necessary to create Vega Charts
It constists of a Request Utils that sofar extracts data from WFS or GeoJSON sources (to be extended ...)
It contains a utilities class for filtering and formatting data
This Module is frontend agnostic - any standard JavaScript frontend should work with this library
Import by addind the following the package.json: "csl-vega-lib": "git+ssh://[email protected]/illsio/csl-vega-lib.git#master",
NOTE: It is so far a showcase that is supposed to showcase how one library might be used in the CityScienceLab and in the context of the masterportal
This could be a potential call from a an Angular FrontEnd to the Module (ChartCreatorService, DataRequestUtils):
let rawData = null;
data => {
rawData = data;
error => {
console.log('cant load chart data: ' + error);
let wfsData = this.dataRequestUtils.getDataFromGeoJson(data, wfsName,
this.wfsStatGebProperties, this.prefix);
let areaYearlyData = DataFormatUtils.filterDataByValues(wfsData, 'STATGEB',
[String(], FilterTypeEnum.MATCHING);
const chartConfig: object = {
'height': 480,
'width': 450,
// Totals chart
const totalsChart = {
'Insgesamt': 'Total',
'unter6J': '< 6 Y',
'unter18J': '< 18 Y'
const dataForTotalsChart: object[] = this.getDataForColumns(totalsChart, areaYearlyData);
let lineConfigTotals: object = {
'isMultipleYValues': true,
'lineConfig': ['Seriesname', 'Jahr'],
'yValues': Object.keys(totalsChart)
this.statisticalAreaTotals = ChartCreatorService.createChart('lineChart', dataForTotalsChart,
chartConfig, null, lineConfigTotals);
this.view = new vega.View(vega.parse(spec))
.renderer('svg') // set renderer (canvas or svg)
.initialize('#' + initialize view within parent DOM container
.hover() // enable hover encode set processing