Most importantly, CityScope is not one tool but a whole slew of tools [Hardware & software] aimed to provide urban modeling and simulation solutions with an emphasis on UI/UX.
the page serves overview of the CityScope platform
the wiki is for high level documentation
Some examples for previous CS deployments here:
For example, if you wish to build a table with Lego grid scanning and project back a visualization onto the table, the following repos will serve you:
- building the table's hardware and installation
- projection mapping [for web apps, the next two repos has PM internally]
- scanning and analyzing lego grids:
- In Rhino/Grasshopper:
- in Unity3d:
- In Javascript [WIP]: connecting scanned Legos to visualization or 3rd party tools for analysis:
This is only one form by which CityScope tools can come together to create a platform! There are many other potential combinations, depending on [3].